Hello friends! How are you this Friday? You have anything fun going on?
I signed up for the All Things Women Retreat. Although I expect attending a virtual retreat to be hard with a little one at home, I'm hoping to pop I'm for a few sessions! Other than that, today, I have nutrition clients most of the morning and a doctor's appointment this afternoon. So, I have a feeling today is going to fly by!
It was funny because last weekend, I had two outings. One to Hobby Lobby for their 40% off sale (not sure if it's still going on) and one for breakfast with a good family friend at my in-laws. Mr. Hungry and I felt like the weekend FLEW by. I guess that's what happens when you "break out" of quarantine living for a bit. We still don't feel comfortable eating out at restaurants or going to the gym at this time, though. Those are hard nos for us. But, it was nice to expand the horizons just a bit.
That's it for today, friends! Short post because I already hear the little man on the monitor, and it's time to get him breakfast and get ready before my client meetings. Have a wonderful weekend!
Hallow App
I've been using the Hallow App (thanks to an Instagram Ad) for nighttime meditation every night for a few weeks now and Mr. Hungry and I really enjoy it. I love that it just auto comes up with something different for every night. I haven't explored too many features other than the night, but so far, I enjoy it!
We did end up paying for it after the two-week free trial (I think it was $60 for the year.) The app is definitely catholic focused, but the meditations seem like they would be for anyone. I don't typically share religious stuff here, but we've enjoyed it so much I wanted to give it a quick shout out.
Fall Decorations
Among a bunch of pumpkins, I got this cute fall centerpiece thing. The picture is at a weird angle but in person, I really love it. I also scored some new Christmas decorations but, you'll have to wait for that! I'll share all our decorations on Instagram (@hungryhobbyRD) this weekend so stay tuned for that!
I still love myself a good chipotle bowl, and we hadn't been there since way before March! Things they changed, though, are apparently their salad bowls now a spring mix base instead of Romaine? I'm not digging it. I think I'll switch back to the burrito bowl. Soggy greens are not for me! (Well, soggy food in general.)
Another light week on fitness friends, but at least the weather is cooling down so we can get some walks in without having to leave before the sun comes up!
Fri (10/09) - OFF
Sat (10/10) - 30 minutes jog/running treadmill Aaptiv
Sun (10/11) - Full Body Workout Aaptiv
Mon (10/12) - OFF
Tues (10/13) - Upper body Aaptiv Workout
Wed (10/14) - OFF
Thurs (10/15) - OFF
Friday Flashbacks
Instant Pot Chicken Tortilla Soup
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