Good morning friends!!! How was your week?
My week was good, busy as usual! Classes start (online) on Monday, so I'm still tinkering around with my course schedules and plans for this year.
Mr. Hungry and his dad officially finished up the bathroom last weekend, and now I don't know what we will do with our weekends without them working all day on Saturdays. I'll be sharing photos soon, but not till the glass for the shower gets installed! So, now that it's done, what will we do with our weekends?
KJ is kind of over the pool. I think the novelty has worn off since we've been swimming since uh... April! Yes, you read that right, April! He lasts 15-20 minutes when before he used to spend a full hour out there! So, again, I ask you, what will we do with our weekends in 111-degree heat with a kid who doesn't want to swim?
Yesterday I was so desperate for something to do. I polished all our furniture in our bedroom. Sadly, I find that doing chores entertains him more than anything. He likes to help and follow me from room to room. We only have so much laundry, furniture, and floors, though, you know?
And that's what life is like when it's hella hot outside, and you can't even take your toddler to the store, #thanksCOVID. I did get him a mask, and he likes to wear it for about 30 seconds, so at least that's a start on the mask thing!
What are your plans for this weekend?
Stemlit sent me some Rave apples, which are a cross between the beloved Honeycrisp and MonArk, a variety from Arkansas.
They were delicious, and I finally got KJ to eat raw apples! He loves cooked apples and apple sauce (no he is obsessed with applesauce) but has been resistant to raw apples. He loved these Rave apples, though, and so did I!
We had In and Out for dinner last night, and it was GLORIUS! Oh, in and out, how I've missed you!
I was also sent some of Vital Protein's new Get Up and Glow. I haven't tried it yet because it's a caffeinated drink, and I love my coffee too much, but if you don't drink coffee and need an energy boost, I like the ingredients of this stuff! Stay away from energy drinks, my friends! This would be a better alternative!
I ordered two of these Ozeri pans, I've had one before but didn't treat it right. They need to be seasoned sort of like cast iron, and it's best to avoid harsh soaps. Overall the last one I had lasted two years with heavy use and not treating it right. I decided I still like them way more than other non-stick options, and they are nontoxic, so I ordered more.
I know many of you are looking for at-home workout options if you haven't already make sure to read my review on Aaptiv! Some people have said they took away their free trial, but I believe you can still get one if you go through my link!
- Friday (8/14) - Online Burn Boot Camp Workout
SET 1 (2 minutes)
- KB x 7
- Bicep Curl x 7
SET 2 (2 minutes)
- static bicep curl laps
- Bent-Over Row x 7
2 minute Jump Rope
SET 3 (2 minutes)
Superman wing taps x 7
SET 4 (2 minutes)
- Hex Press x 7
- Push-Ups x 7
Jump Rope x 2 minutes
SET 5 (2 minutes)
- Shoulder Taps x 14
- Tricep Push-Ups x 7
SET 6 ( 2 minutes)
- walkout and burpee
- curl and press x 7
1 minute overhead hold
Slider push up x 20
- Saturday (8/15) - RUN from Aaptiv
- Sunday (8/16)
- Lower and PLY Burn Boot Camp
SET 1:
- Deadlift
- Broad Jump High Knees Back
SET 2:
- Squat
- Ice Skaters
SET 3:
- weighted monster walks
- squat chops
SET 4:
- alternating forward push lunge
- Jump Tuck
- Power skips each side 2 minutes
- Monday (8/17) - OFF
- Tuesday (8/18) - modified from Aaptiv
- Burpees
- Bear Crawl to Push Up
- Plank Jacks
- Commandos
- Lat Raises
- Leg Lifts
- Bicycles
- Knee Tucks
- Wednesday (8/19) - modified from Aaptiv
- Bulgarian Split Saugt with Curl:
- Squat press
- Weighted Glute Bridge
- Single-Leg Deadlift with Row
- Bench Dips
- Thursday (8/20)- OFF
Friday Flashback
For Mama's out there with kiddos this age, check out my 4-9-month-old guide.
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