First up, if you are constantly inundated with the negative news of COVID-19, read this:
I hope it helps! Along with this picture of my Mom's Iris, she grew at our house. I love springtime.
Also, I know not everyone is on Insta - so I'll be trying to do more "realtime" posts here next week. However, I've saved a highlight of COVID-19 related topics on my Insta, including helpful "shelf-stable" recipes, nutrition tips (aka how not to eat everything in your cabinet), and what we are making, etc.
LULU Giveaway!
Second, I teamed up with a few fitness-oriented Mama friends to bring you a LULU giveaway for $120 bucks! You know you need a new pair to sit on the couch with! Don't miss this Giveaway. It ends Monday! (email readers click through to see the IG post, or go here.)
Life In Quarantine
So this has been fun, right? Our city is currently in lockdown, as there is no "stay at home" order, but everything is closed, so there is that. Before I get started on this, I just wanted to say I understand I'm coming into this in a better situation than so many others. Mr. Hungry and I are both able to work at home, which is 100% a godsend.
The community college I teach at followed ASU's lead and decided to move classes online, so I'm working on getting that up and running for my students. And of course, I can meet with nutrition clients virtually and work on the blog "as normal." That doesn't mean I'm unaffected, though. Bloggers are being impacted heavily, but I'll do a separate post on that. For now, if you are wondering how to support your favorite bloggers, you are probably already doing it!
Continue to visit your favorite websites and continue to interact with them on social. They/we need just as much encouragement as any other small business right now. More to come on that.
Pros of Quarantine
There are a lot of cons, but, for me, some of the advantages of quarantine have been:
- Quality Family Time - I now get to be home with the baby and Mr. Hungry all day every day. I love it. While I thought that maybe we would drive each other nuts, so far, week one has been better than expected. Ask me again next week haha
- No Alarm Clock - I've chosen to get at least 8 hours of sleep every night instead of getting up at 4 am, most days. Sleep is good, oh so good.
- Beautiful Arizona Weather - We can still hike and go on family runs during the beautiful spring weather, and now we have more time to do it!
- No Small Talk - Not my favorite anyway, a simple nod and smile as you pass by someone keeping a 6-foot difference.
- Time to Netflix and Chill - I'd love to tell you I'm reading 100 books, but the truth is I'm not. I am catching up on the last season of the Big Bang Theory!
What about you? Any glass have full observations you can share? Trying to remain positive here!
The Truth About Authenticity
My friend wrote this article that spoke to me about how hard it can be to find a new tribe as an adult and especially as a Mom. She makes excellent points of what is required of us (when not in quarantine) to find authentic real friendships.
Porter Cheese
So glad I grabbed this cheese along with their pre-made corn beef a few weeks back. I'm not a huge corn beef fan, but Mr. Hungry is so he had that, and I ate this cheese!
Homemade Biscuits & Gravy
I'll take one order of comfort food followed by another order of comfort food thank you very much.
Grandma Cookies
More comfort food I made this week, and they are already gone! So many of you have tagged me and said you made my Grandma's No-Bake Chocolate Peanut Butter Oatmeal Cookies too. They aren't healthy at all, but damn they are good! See my IG highlight on balancing comfort food - plus, I'll post more tips next week here.
Friday Fitness
I love how so many gyms are sharing at-home workout, whether you have a membership or not! Some of my favorite places for workout inspiration:
- Hungry Hobby Workout Pinterest Boards - I recently organized all these, and I'm so happy I did!
- Burn Boot Camp Main Insta (@burnbootcamp) & Facebook Page - BBC is doing live and recorded videos for its members. While you can't watch the full video, if you aren't a member, you can get the workout on their Insta page. My home gym is also live-streaming a workout at my usual time. That's been fun to jump on and see everyone! So many babies and kids working out with their moms, it's so fun to see!
- Aaptiv - I've written before how much I LOVE Aaptiv, and now more than ever! It is a paid subscription, but if you watch emails, they run specials all the time! Read my full review of Aaptiv here.
- Nike Training Club App - My SIL reminded me about this free app - it's a great 100% free option for those of you needing to get workouts at home.
- TI Fitness (@tifitness) - I used to coach at TI Fitness when I lived in Gilbert, Terrance is incredible and is currently sharing at-home workouts on his Instagram!
- My friend Mandy (@mandyenrightRD) is doing Yoga classes live stream and recorded!
- Favorite Instagram Accounts for Workouts - @paleoOMG @carrotsncake @pbfingers @blondeponytail
What are some of your favorite accounts or places to get workouts?
As usual, here is my workout schedule from the week, but LISTEN TO ME. This is NOT the time to overtrain. Whether you are a competitor (Crossfit/endurance training/ etc.) or just an average person keeping up a workout schedule, do NOT overtrain. Working out is good for you, yes, but overtraining will lead your immune system to take a beating. It will continuously be trying to repair muscle damage and be in constant upheaval.
I've seen some recommendations to decrease training by 40% for those that are participating in competitive sports. For those of us just trying to keep exercise as a regular activity, we're probably fine. Push yourself, but one workout a day is plenty, and if you are feeling unusually tired, skip it. Not worth the added stress on the body.
Friday (3/13) - Burn Boot Camp Lower Body Workout (last day I attended a workout)
Saturday (3/14) - Aaptiv 21's Upper Body Workout
Sunday (3/15) - Family Run - we did about 3 miles
Monday (3/16) - OFF
Tuesday (3/17) - Lower Body Recorded with BBC Main Page Insta Page
Wednesday (3/18) - Upper Body Live Stream with home BBC Gym
Thursday (3/19) - OFF
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