Hi, friends! I'm feeling good that it's a three day weekend, how about you?
(Dress is from Stitchfix a few years ago!)
I'm also feeling a need for a post-summer detox, anyone else? I'd love to run a short detox challenge if you guys want to join me! Comment below if that's something you would be interested in and let me know where I should run it. Facebook group? Page on the blog? Insta (not sure how that would work).
If you are looking for some recipe ideas for this weekend, check out my summer cookout recipe round up!
Meal Plan Friends, your new plan is in your inbox!
Friday Favorites
OMG this sweet paprika shrimp from last weeks WTE? Meal Plan is going to be on my regular rotation. SO GOOOD!
This ugly but oh so delicious creation is based on my 20-minute summer enchilada skillet but I subbed brown rice for the tortillas and added some Trader Joe's Cashew Cheese. So creamy and delicious, even if it isn't pretty!
I'm still doing SmoothieBox smoothies for breakfast, I just placed another order of 15 cacao smoothies (my favorite) and 10 clementine smoothies (Mr. Hungry's favorite.) - Reused photo.
Health Warrior sent me a few of their new flavor of protein muffins to try and I'm obsessed. I ate this for breakfast twice with a big old scoop of peanut butter on top and it was perfect. One day I threw it in my bag with a peanut butter pack and ate it when I got there. So delicious and it's vegan! So for those of you out their avoiding dairy and eggs, it's a great option!
Favorites Around The Web:
Frozen steak to the table in under 30 minutes.
Freezer meals to make for new moms!
Friday Fitness
I've been so busy getting all my classes set up and getting adjusted to my new normal, I didn't have time to make up my own workouts. So, I defaulted to a total body training program on Aaptiv and for the most part, I like it!
Thurs (8/22) - OFF
Fri (8/23)- workout from PaleOMG IG account - left my hamstrings super sore
Sat (8/24) - 2 rounds of glute activation
- 3 x 10 single leg assisted squat
- 3 x 12 sumo squat (#50)
- 3 x 10 weight step-ups
- 30 work/ 30 rest wall sits x 6
Sun (8/25) - sculpt core
30/15 x 3
- burpee jack
- mountain climber push up
- reverse lunge to twist
40/20 x 3
- weighted sit up x 12 (#15)
- 20 bicycles
- renegade row x 2 (#30)
added 3 sets
- 12 bicep curls (3 curls and 10-second hold x 4) - #30
- 15 single arm bent over tricep kickbacks
Mon (8/26) - OFF
Tues (8/27)
40/20 x 3
- reverse lunge to knee drive
- squat jump
- burpee (full with push up)
3 sets
- squat and press (#30)
- lateral raises
- bicep curls
- in and out planks
Wed (8/28)
- ran one mile
- did a series of abs challenges on Aaptiv
Thurs (8/29) - OFF
Friday Flashbacks
Chicken Shawarma Mediterranean Salad
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