Hi, friends!
I wanted to share another "favorite items" list update because I feel like walking and crawling brought a whole new set of interests and needs for Baby K. While we still use all our favorite items from the 3-9 months favorite list, and some of the items from my Must-Haves for Newborns and Expectant Mama's post there were also a few new things he loved and needed as his exploration capabilities soared.
Heads up, you can also see most of these items in my Amazon storefront as well!
Have something to add to this list? Comment below! I know other Mama's would appreciate it!
Favorite Baby Toys 9-12 Months
Pop Up Toy
Around 9 months, we noticed that he was less interested in flashy electronic toys, so I got him this good old fashion pop up toy. He hasn't quite figured out how to make the animals pop up, but he loves to shut them down!
Noah's Ark Book
This Noah's Ark book has a million flaps for kids to pull and lift, it's perfect for entertainment during church.
80 Piece Mega Blocks
Baby Duplo! He does not build anything with them yet, but he likes to knock down the towers I build and loves to carry pieces all over the house. It gives him something safe to hold and move around, so they are a must! 80 piece mega blocks
Around The Farm Book

Baby K is now to the point where he doesn't love to sit and do anything, much less read. There are just way more exciting things out there for him to do. This Around The Farm sounds book helps keep his attention on reading for a little while. Bonus, my 3.5-year-old nephew, loved it as well!
Favorite Baby Care Items 9-12 Months
Bamboo Organic Wash Cloths
We love these super soft organic bamboo washcloths so much more than the ones we had when he was smaller. Now that he's walking, aka getting into things and legitimately getting dirty, he outgrew his super-thin baby washcloths. These may seem like a weird thing to include in a round-up of favorite items, but they are seriously so plush and soft I want to get some for me!
Maty's All Natural Chest Rub
Nobody wants their baby to get sick, but Baby K did around ten months, and my doctor recommended this chest rub. This Maty's natural chest rub is something that I would use for myself next time I get sick. It helped at a time when he is so little and can't use much of anything else to help him feel better.
Maty's All Natural Diaper Ointment
After trying the Maty's vapor rub, I decided to try out the diaper cream from Maty's. I always prefer diaper ointments in a tube because Little Man won't scream for the lid and then throw it, resulting in me losing the cap. I also love that the ingredients are pronounceable and recognizable. So far, it's been great at clearing up diaper rashes in a day or two.
I LOVE our Bob Revolution Jogging Stroller, and you'd have to pry it out of my cold dead fingers before you ever took it away from me. That being said, it is big and bulky. It's difficult to throw in the back of the car when needed, so I finally broke down and bought a light stroller that stays in the back of the car. The Summer Light 3D stroller is the same one I got my nephew a couple of years ago, so I bought it again. It is perfect for short trips and errands, but we still bring Bob for bigger trips like to the zoo.
Munchkin Stainless Steel 360 Cup
This stainless steel trainer cup is great for learning to drink from a cup. It took a little while for him to get how it works, but once he did, he loved it! I love that it's something that isn't plastic but also isn't breakable.
Baby Locks
Sliding Cabinet Locks
These sliding cabinet locks are perfect if you don't want to stick anything to your cabinets, potentially ruining the wood. I'm not a huge fan of the way they look on the outside, but they work and protect the wood. They only work on double door items, though!
Child Cabinet Locks
I installed these cabinet child locks in our kitchen myself. It took me about 30 seconds to do the whole kitchen. Okay, not that fast, but it was pretty easy. We haven't tried to remove them yet, but it says all you need to do is heat it with a hairdryer, and they pop right off.
Toilet Locks
Thes toilet locks are also SUPER easy to install. These toilet locks take about 15 seconds each to install. They keep baby and Nala out of the toilet, so they are a definite must!
Winter Clothes Items
Grippy Socks
I ordered two packs of these anti-slip grippy socks. We haven't had any issue with the grippy dots falling off, and they help our little walker not slip and slide so much!
Fleece Hoodies
It's no winter coat for those of you living back east, or anywhere it snows. However, for Phoenix, these fleece hoodies are perfect for keeping him warm over a long sleeve t-shirt.
Fleece Pants
Same thing with these fleece pants, very warm, cozy, and comfortable for Little Man!
Fun Outfit
This outfit is currently my favorite outfit Baby K has. What can I say, I'm a little bias.
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