I hope you had a wonderful weekend, or if you celebrate Easter, a happy Easter, as happy as it can be anyway, right?
We watched mass Saturday night, lived stream with our home parish. I had mixed emotions. So grateful to see our priests and parish, so sad to see the church empty on such a joyous day. It stirred up all the feelings.
Sunday morning, we woke up and switched off working out. Here was my workout:
Springing into Isometrics 10 Minute Ab Workout with Aaptiv, followed by:
1 set DB box squats (#50)
Superset 6 sets
- Six single leg squats (#35)
- 5 chest press (#35 x 2 rounds –> #30 x 4 rounds)
Superset 2 sets
- 6 pull-ups (banded)
- 8 bicep curls ( #50 x 4 –> #40 x 4)
- 8 skull crushers (#15)
Superset 3 sets
- weight sit-ups x 12 (#20)
- 15 calf raises, 5 in, 5 out, 5 neutral (#50)
Followed by a 15-minute quick treadmill workout. 5-minute warm-up plus sprints. I sprinted at a 9.5 the fasted I've EVER gone!
Mr. Hungry threw in some Costco mini quiches in the oven while I got ready for the day (I also had a protein shake and coffee.)
Then we attempted a family photo with the tripod. And yes, Baby K peed through his diaper right before I took the picture. Oh, well!
We also watched some of the Andrea Bocelli concert while drinking some TJ's bellini's we had leftover from New Years'. (We never drank them since we were so sick at that time, still wondering if we had COVID-19 then. No way to ever know, though!)
Mr. Hungry's parents were kind enough to drop ham, deviled eggs, and bundt cakes at the door. So when the little man went down for a nap, we had a lovely meal of ham, asparagus, and TJ's frozen carrots.
Then, about an hour later, we ate our carrot cake bundt cakes! Soooooo good! The whole center was filled with cream cheese frosting!
When K woke up from his nap, we played while Mr. Hungry searched for new vanities and ordered tile for our bathroom. Yep, we never fixed it from like a year ago when we had a pipe leak. Now, like everyone else, we are taking on our remodeling projects.
Also, the Easter bunny came again for Baby K! My mom left a package of fun toys and candy at the front door, so we spent some time opening it and playing with new toys. The bowling ball set was a HUGE hit!
I may or may not have had Reese's egg and two caramel Cadbury eggs for dinner. We then got sucked into watching Kingdom and stayed up way too late. Why are all those shows so good? Vikings, Game of Thrones, and now Kingdom! I mean, it's 8 am and I'm on my second cup of coffee from staying up too late, but it's 100% worth it, right?
How was your Easter/weekend?
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