Dear Baby K, time is flying now! I almost forgot to write this update but I didn't forget to take your photo! You are almost too long for this blankie your Auntie G made you.
Guess what Baby K? You are now able to sit unassisted for at least a couple minutes at a time! You've been working on this skill for a long time, but to me, it feels like one day you couldn't sit up, and the next day you were a pro. As far as crawling goes, I won't be surprised if you don't crawl. You still hate tummy time and would much rather be sitting or standing. Who knows, maybe you will surprise me and become a master crawler once you figure out how to get off your tummy and push up on all fours. We will see!
Mommy was so nervous about feeding you solids but knock on wood, you've done great with them! We are now having a legit breakfast, lunch, and dinner most days. Some days you want to nurse more than eat, and some days you slam down a bunch of food! You aren't a huge fan of bananas (at least in puree form), but you tolerate them. I think your favorite food you've tried is pears. You eat anything with pears with a tremendous amount of gusto! Typically you get plain coconut yogurt mixed with peanut butter or sunflower seed butter in the morning, some fruit or veggie (or combo) in the afternoon, and a grain-based cereal for dinner.
(Pretty much every picture I take of you eating looks like this. It's not because you don't like it, it's because you are mad I stopped feeding you to take the photo.)
As for nursing, this might be my favorite month for nursing yet. You are not very fussy at the breast anymore, although you are distracted easily. You seem mostly content to hang out with me 10-30 minutes breastfeeding. Sometimes I get a little impatient when you get easily distracted and take a long time, but for the most part, I really enjoy our time together. We fought some hard times to get to the place we are now with breastfeeding.
We are nursing around 5-6 times a day, and you are still getting your evening formula bottle from Daddy. As for Mommy's breastfeeding diet, I've been able to add back in peanuts and wheat (still eating no nuts, dairy, soy, or eggs.) Our appointment with the allergist is at the end of June.
As far as sleep goes, you have good nights and not so great nights. Even on the not so great nights, you sleep 10-12 hours. You might wake up for a while. We currently have to useovernight diapers with an insertanda dappiover them to keep you from leaking through your diaper, it's crazy! This past week we dropped your last nap, and I was surprised how quickly you adjusted. You can stay awake 3-3.5 hours now, so that leaves lots of time for fun activities!
You love to:
- go for rides in the stroller
- play on your playmat
- sit up
- play the horsey game with mommy
- be tickled
- sit in your bouncer
- be held
- sit outside or be outside
- go "swimming" aka sitting on the edge of the pool
- talk and talk and talk '
I already see your emotions coming through. Sometimes it surprises me how well you can express yourself at only 7 months old, but I'm enjoying watching you become the person you are meant to be. I'm so lucky to be your Mama!
Past Posts:
Henry says
Hello Kelli,
You have such an adorable baby.
Does he like to eat or he cries when you feed him?
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
At first, he cried between bites but now he is usually happy as a claim gobbling things up!
Harvindar K Grewal says
He is so cute and i like all of his photos