Dear Baby K,
Yesterday you turned five months old!
You have Mommy's wavy light colored hair and her chin dimple. Your eyes are changing to green like your Daddy's!
It amazes me how much you learn every single day. You finally mastered rolling over, and now you are a rolling machine! It seems since you can roll over on your own, tummy time isn't that bad anymore. You'll happily play on your tummy for 5-10 minutes while looking at all the things on your favorite play matt. Sometimes you get stuck on your belly, but you are learning to roll onto your back from your tummy.
You are still working on sitting up and getting better every day. You can sit up on your own unassisted for a few seconds before losing balance. I know you are working on it though because you do a lot of v ups when you are on your playmat, your abs must be getting strong!
You can hold things now. You especially love to hold yourlight up toyon walks and in the car. Speaking of the car seat, you still don't like it, but you are getting used to it. You even fell asleep in the car twice without any fussing! The first time you fell asleep I was so surprised I pulled over to make sure you were okay.
We take Nala on walks in the morning now for 20-40 minutes because you are usually happiest and most content in the mornings. It's going to get hot soon so that schedule works out well!
We had to give up sleeping in the swing, so you are learning to take better naps in your crib during the day, we usually get somewhere between 30 minutes to an hour. In the afternoon's mommy sometimes takes a nap with you. Speaking of sleep, Mommy's plan of moving you out of our room didn't work last month, so we are trying again this month. So far you are doing pretty good sleeping in your crib all night. We are working on you learning how to put yourself back to sleep, but you've gotten pretty good at falling asleep on your own at bedtime.
You still love your playmat, your bouncer toys, your daddy's beard, grabbing my face, and your latest obsession is your toes. I call you my little "happy feet" because you are always kicking your feet or grabbing them. You've also started to blow bubbles and drool a ton. I bet some teeth are waiting to make their appearance! Those teething toys you hated last month are being put to good use this month!
We bought you ahigh chair, but we haven't used it yet. You are putting toys in your mouth and showing signs of interest in our food when we eat, but you can't quite sit up in the chair yet. Right now you are still having plenty of breastmilk and Daddy gives you a bottle of formula every night. Mommy was able to eat fish, but you did not react well to almonds, so, mommy is still eating gluten, dairy, egg, soy, nut, and peanut free.
You love to go outside and look around, just stepping outside turns your frown upside down. You also like to be carried, so we've spent a lot of time with you in the front carrier these days. Overall, unless you are tired or hungry, you are a super happy kid that laughs at any funny noise or face. Your laugh is the BEST. I hope you keep that same laugh forever. When you think something is funny, you'll keep laughing and laughing forever. I think you will have a great sense of humor!
I also love it when you grab my arm or hand on the changing table. You usually grab my arm with both hands and hang on like a little koala bear. It might make it kind of hard to change your diaper, but it is pretty stinking cute!
You and Nala continue to get to know each other. She regularly lets you pet her and she gives you a few kisses! She is SO careful around you. If you are on our bed, she won't jump on the bed without permission (or help) because she is afraid to hurt you. She is very loving and gentle with you although I'm not quite sure she knows what you are.
That is all I can think of for now! Happy five months old Little Man!
[…] Dear Baby K – 5 Months […]