4:40 AM KJ wakes up. I try to rock him back to sleep for 15-20 minutes but no luck. He nurses and were up for the day. While he plays in his bassinet I make coffee, put on real clothes, and put my make up. Then we head into the office so I can pump and check my email while he plays on his playmat.
6:30 AM Little man is ready to sleep so we head into the nursery and I put him down for a nap. While he is sleeping I clean my breast pump stuff and heat up breakfast. I've been making baked blueberry oats on REPEAT (reused photo) I need to photograph the recipe for you guys soon! I work while I eat checking email, social media, and blog posts.
8:35 AM KJ has been asleep two hours, so I decided to wake him up. I try not to let him go more than 3 to 3.5 hours without nursing throughout the day, too make sure he gets in enough calories in during the day and doesn't want to nurse all night. He didn't sleep very well the night before so at least the reward was I got a ton of work done!
While he is up we nurse, play for a while in his bouncer while I curl my hair, and hang out.
10:00 AM he is ready for another nap I put him down and make another coffee (half-caff this time). I also eat a banana and a spoonful of coconut BUTTER. SOOOO GOOD.
10:21 AM he wakes up! I figured it would be a short nap since the one before was super long. I try to rock him and get him to go back to sleep, but he isn't having it. He nurses and then I decide it's time to get out of the house.
11:10 AM We are all ready to go to Costco, he is strapped in I've got all my stuff together. I'm picking him up to head out, and I hear it, a blowout. Oh well better before we left then after, it's a hassle to change diapers out of the house.
11:25 AM diaper changed, strapped back in an on our way to Costco. We made it through the return line and shopping in one piece!
12:25 PM We're heading home, and I'm eating popcorn on the way.
12:35 PM We get inside, and little man starts to melt down, I quickly put everything away and get him down for another nap. I always do one of three things when he is sleeping: work, eat or sleep myself. This time I decided to make myself a plate of burgers leftover from the weekend (of course), sweet potato fries (Alexa brand), and a giant salad.
PS I'm loving this Primal Kitchen greek dressing right now. It tastes great and is free of all the things I'm avoiding for the BF elimination diet (insert hand to face emoji.)
After I finish eating I think about going to get some more work done, but I'm pretty sleepy, probably because I never finished or even took a sip of that second cup of coffee. I go to lay down. My eyes are closed for about 5 minutes before...
1:04 PM He's up again! Another short nap, oh well, I go in, and he wants to nurse. I watch Grey's Anatomy while he nurses and snoozes some more.
1:45 PM He wakes up from his eating snooze, and we hang out with my MIL for about an hour.
2:45 PM He starts to get fussy, so it's time for another nap! This time I nurse him on one side, and when he falls asleep, I put him in the swing. We call this our afternoon "swing nap." Swing naps usually last at least an hour, so I pump the other side and get to work.
3:50 PM I got hungry, so I eat some peppered turkey lunch meat I picked up at Whole Foods last week.
4:50 PM I eat some carrots right before I wake him up. Yes, another 2-hour nap! (Just an FYI for those Mama's out there cursing me under their breath, the next day all naps were 30 minutes or less. This was just an unusually lucky day, I don't have a great napper I promise ha ha.) I wake him up, he nurses and we hang out. At some point, I ate dinner which was shredded salsa verde chicken with cauliflower rice. It was a recreation of the meal I had at Whole Foods last week that I forgot to snap a photo of, and I forgot to snap a photo of my version. Don't worry though; I'm going to make a recipe out of it so you will get a photo and recipe soon!
6:00 PM bath time for baby!
6:20 PM nurse, takes a little longer because he takes a full 5 minutes to burb
6:45 PM we hang out while Mr. Hungry makes him an extra bottle of formula. We just started a crazy expensive hypoallergenic formula to help him put on some weight since his food allergies have caused low weight gain we are giving him extra. I'll share more about that once we get it all figured out in a month or two.
7:30 PM bedtime for baby! Mr. Hungry usually handles the bedtime routine so I can clean the house up. He fights Mr. Hungry pretty hard at bedtime and doesn't end up falling asleep till close to 8 pm. Meanwhile, I have my newest favorite dessert after I finish cleaning up. This rice cake with sun butter and enjoy life chocolate mega chunks (cheapest on Thrive Market) is all I need to get through this elimination diet.
8:15 PM Mr. Hungry and I spend this time catching up and then get ready for bed. We are lights out at 9 PM!
A few notes about today: it's a rest day, so I didn't work out, actually I was pretty sore from the workout I did the day before. We didn't even go on a walk because it was raining. Also, keep in mind I'm doing a crazy strict elimination diet right now to figure out the babies food allergies as well so my food choices are not entirely my own.
Abby says
I have so appreciated following your posts during pregnancy and postpartum period. I am 2.5 months behind you, as our little guy is 2 weeks old now.
I also had hypothalamic amenorrhea for 7+ years prior to getting pregnant with our son. It has been very interesting and awesome to see your family grow despite the challenges of getting pregnant! We are also Catholic, so if I return to cycling after pregnancy, it is very important to us to use NFP. However, we don’t even know if I WILL return to cycling or now. I am very interested to hear of your experience with this if you would be willing to share! If not, that is completely fine and understandable as it is a personal topic.
Thanks for behind a great testament to motherhood and to the faith!
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Hi Abby, I've been wondering the same thing if my cycle will return to normal after I'm done breastfeeding. I'll definitely make sure to share whatever happens! Although I will say I'm not super worried about it because I had normal cycles for about a year before getting pregnant and I've fixed so many of the issues that contributed to my missing cycles. That being said, you never know! Thanks for introducing yourself! And congrats on your little one!
tracy says
I often have a rice cake with some nut butter and chocolate chips on top, usually I use the mini chocolate chips and make it sweeter by adding a couple of slices of strawberry or raspberries. Try it! You'll love it too, I am sure!!!
The baby is just so sweet looking.
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Thanks! That sounds delicious!