Good morning friends! It's been a while since I've done one of these coffee date posts, so I thought it would be a good day to chat.
How do you take yours? Hot, iced or protein shake status? Every time I drink a hot cup of coffee I think it will be the last one of the summer, then I end up having another one randomly. Like this morning, I'm currently drinking some coffee with collagen and coconut creamer.
How are things going? How's life? How is the job? How is the wedding planning going (so many weddings this year.) How are you feeling (even more friends that are pregnant.) How are the babies (furbabies and human variety.) Did you go anywhere recently? Are you planning on going anywhere?
For me, life is good. Except for yesterday. Yesterday I realized my wallet got stolen at Starbucks the day before. I mean it was my fault, I put my wallet in my backpack and took my computer and phone with me to the bathroom. I didn't even check for it until yesterday, stupid I know. Immediately I realized what had happened, that creepy guy next to me that kept looking over was gone when I came back from the bathroom. Initially, I had thought, yes he is gone! Now, I realize that was stupid. Ya, he is gone, with your wallet dummy. Why didn't I take it with me to the bathroom? We may never know. Then, when I went outside to look for it, I realized I hadn't pulled in far enough and the garage door shut on my car. FANTASTIC right? Luckily that ended up being fine, but my wallet is gone. I called Starbucks, but they gave me some BS about the security footage streaming to corporate. UGHHHHHHHHH The silver lining, I've been too lazy to change my debit card, so the one that was in there wasn't active. Luckily I also just got back my renewed passport, so I have a form of ID.
Every day I am so grateful that this little place I have created on the internet continues to grow. It's different than I thought it would be four years ago when I started. I never thought I'd fall in love with food photography, that it would help me grow in so many ways, or that I would connect with so many people all over the world. So many opportunities have come my way that I am so grateful for. I wake up excited every day to tackle my to-do list, the only thing that gets me down is when I bite off more than I can chew, but I've been working on that.
I know I've mentioned this before, but I couldn't be more excited to be a bridesmaid twice in the next year! Thes girls (on the left and the right are getting married, my SIL is in the back) mean the world to me and I am so excited to celebrate with them. Bachelorette parties, bridal showers, visits, and all kinds of fun is the highlight of my year.
It's also kind of scary to think we will want to start a family when all the traveling and parties settle down. With my history, there is the fear that it may not happen as quickly as I want. Plus, I am in this weird spot where so many of our friends are either pregnant or already have young children, and my heart urges to join them. On the other hand, enjoying these experiences coming up means just as much to me, and so we wait. Luckily my SIL has planned the holidays here, so we will steal my nephew in the mean time!
I keep thinking about getting another dog, but then I feel sorry for Missy. She is just getting comfortable with her 83-pound sister I don't want to do that to her again. Oh, by the way, Nala is on a diet - vet says she needs to lose 5 pounds, I feel like a total failure haha, but I guess she is getting a little thick in the behind, just like her mama LMAO got that junk in the trunk!
We also have the time to think about where to travel (other than weddings)! I mentioned on Tuesday's post we are having a hard time deciding where to go that doesn't have a huge increased risk of Zika. Mr. Hungry would happily go back to Hawaii, but I want to go somewhere new!
Of course, you also know I have to complain about my stupid shoulder. It's finally getting better, but the progress is so minimal and slow. I literally can not wait to do a push-up or lift a pair of weights..... My knee has also been getting sore which freaks me out. If I do something to my knee while I can't do any lifting, I think I might lose my mind. Other than that I think I've been handling this injury like a champ; I've stayed mostly SUPER positive.
Your turn! What would we talk about if we went to coffee???? What's going on in your life?
Susie @ Suzlyfe says
My mom had her wallet stolen (with her id and credit card) on our first official day moved in in Chicago as we headed downtown to her hotel on the El train (which I convinced her to take, she didn't want to). Luckily, I had a linked card to her travel credit card, so I could check her in to her hotel, and she had taken a picture and copy of her ID in case our team manager needed it to get her bib number (we were running a race the next day). And she never keeps her cash in the same place as her stuff because of having her wallet stolen so many times!
I still felt so bad!
New with me? I just ate a full pint of blueberries. On the way home from the grocery store. I have problems.
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
I ate a whole thing of peppers on the way home from the store the other day... you are in good company!
Emily @ Pizza & Pull-ups says
Ugh, I am so sorry about your wallet. I have not had that happen (knock on wood), but I have had my car broken into twice when I was in college. The first time they stole my gym bag with my favorite pair of jeans in it. The second time nothing was missing (didn't really have anything in there) but they did leave me a CD of 90's pop music, it was too scratched to play though.
New with me is being home sick with a cold or allergies:( Hoping to be back to normal before the weekend. Love your puppy's collar btw, Bear Down.
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
UGH I had a box stolen from me in college when I was moving, stupid me I labeled it electronics. I wasn't sad they stole it, just that it had all my home movies my friends and I made in high school in it. Sorry, you are home sick, that's the worst! Treat yourself to something, that always helped me!
Sarah @ BucketListTummy says
Ugh I'm so sorry to hear about your wallet - that really is the worst. I believe in Karma though! I'd order iced coffee all day every day in the summer 🙂
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
me too! Karma will get him!
Bethany says
So sorry about your wallet! What is one thing I do love about living in Japan. Things VERY rarely get stolen. It is said we have to worry about such.
I also totally get you on the kids thing. That was me (us) 3 years ago. We loved traveling, working, and saving. We also longed for children. We decided to wait until we just really really wanted kids then it took us well over a year to conceive. It all worked out but it is a weird stage of life. Like limbo.....
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
That is so cool things don't get stolen there! I am a suburb so there is very low crime but high petty crime, people coming from elsewhere to steal. It scares me it will take a while but it will work out, in the end, I'm sure! says
That stinks about your wallet! I'm a straight up black coffee guy!
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Sometimes I am too! It just depends, I always love black coffee!