Dear baby girl, you are 15 months old this month! That's crazy! It feels like you were always meant to be here, keeping the boys on their toes and making everyone laugh with your silliness.
You are moving and grooving. You are never not moving. Most of the time, you are running.
And collecting things on the ground.
Someone asked me the other day what you were like the other day, and here is what I said:
"She’s from another world. She is more like her oldest brother, quick to anger and a little bossy, lol, BUT she observes and is able to have enough patience to figure some things out, like KK - she went down the water slide at 14 months, she wanted to go off the diving board, she’s riding the plasma car full-on riding it at 15 months old.
I don’t know who she would be without her brothers, but with two brothers she thinks she’s one of them. She thinks she can do anything they do. Have anything they have. She does not recognize her age or gender. She just thinks she is one of them. And then proceed to accomplish whatever it is she sets out to do. Her temper tantrums are epic, like those of her oldest brothers, and she’s fiercely independent earlier than the boys. She’s a lot, but in the best way, lol."
You are constantly surprising me. You started walking around 13.5 months, and once you figured out how to stand back up, that was it. You were walking like a pro! You are, at times, the chillest kid I've met, and at others, fiercely independent with a mind of your own. And while Mommy can put your hair in pigtails and bows all she wants, you'll pull them out while running after your brothers. And while Mommy can dress you up all she wants, you'll end up with your hair flying free in your brother's old clothes, which is how you like it.
You're doing pretty good on speech! It's funny at 15 months, KK was way advanced, KJ was behind, and you seem to be right on track, like goldie locks, haha.
You can say:
- Hi
- Dada
- Wave hi
- Wave bye
- Sign more (although it looks like a clap)
- Mama (but not super consistent)
- No - you are really good at that one
- Ya ya for yes
- Nod head for yes
- All done - sign or say it
- Out
- Kitty
- Isaac (my in laws cat)
- Roar
- Uh for up
- Uh Oh
- Where is it? You can shrug your shoulders
- hmms twinkle twinkle
- sometimes doda for goga
You eat a variety of things during the day and still do pretty good eating what we are eating for dinner unless you are teething, then you eat nothing.
- cheese of any kinds – by far your favorite food
- fried eggs or scrambled eggs
- peanut butter toast
- most fruit (blueberries, strawberries, apples)
- baby french toast
- banana muffins
- bananas
- puffs and Bambas
- bell pepper strips - although you prefer the mini peppers whole
- broccoli
- asparagus
- cauliflower
- green beans
- Banza pasta – sometimes plain, sometimes with whatever sauce we are eating
- avocado toast (hit or miss)
- applesauce
- fig bars
- chicken
- salmon
- burgers
- steak
- carnitas
- yogurt tubes
- peaches
- cottage cheese
- hummus
- whole milk unless it’s in a bottle
We stopped nursing around 14 months. I had to take some meds for a tooth issue and just stopped nursing, and you didn't care. But then you asked to nurse and went back and forth for a couple of weeks. Now, you only try to nurse right before dinner, which I just feed you, and you are happy. So, I think we are through, I took a bunch of antihistamines to dry up my milk so if you try again there won't be anything there. I thought I would nurse you longer, but life didn't work out that way, and that's okay! You still take a bottle at night. We will work on weaning you off of it before 18 months.
Activity Likes (pretty much the same thing the last couple of months):
- Riding the plasma car
- Riding the rockin rider pony
- Taking your brother's toys - a big favorite
- Being held
- Being in the carrier
- Running around with your brothers
- Any random box, as long as it’s new
- The remote control
- My phone
- Riding in the car
- Riding in the stroller
- The Kitty
- Mommy singing
- Playing with toys
- Swings – YOU LOVED THIS!
- Baths
- Going swimming
- Going in the garage
- Dumping out water all over the place from your water bottle
- When you can see Mommy, but she isn’t holding you
- When Mommy leaves the room
- New people
Things we love:
- Loveevery Toys
- Baby Einstein Toy
- Burt’s Bees Sleepsack
- Graco Pack N Play
- Dr. Browns Narrow Glass Bottles
- Hatch Rest + (gifted to us)
- Nuna Exec Carseat
- Ergo 360
- Newton Baby Mattress
- Baby Splat Mat
- Grapple Highchair Toy
- Stroller Lite (I still use the Doona a lot, but if we are gonna be out somewhere for more than 20 minutes, I use the umbrella stroller since it seems more comfortable. )
For fun: KJ 15 months and KK 15 months
I don't have an update for height and weight because we are still working on establishing a new pediatrician. But we love you so much baby boo boo and can't wait to see your personality emerge as you continue to grow! I know you are going to keep us on our toes! We love you so much, sweet girl.
[…] 15 Month Update […]