I love writing these day in the life style posts to remember our days as Little Man gets bigger. No two days are even close to the same but this is a little snapshot of what we did yesterday!
Yesterday it was super rainy until about 2 pm then it cleared up, and it was all sunshine and sparkles over here in Arizona. A friend recently posted this on her IG account (her account is private, so I took a screenshot) and, I couldn't help but think how true it is.
Anyways, I've been getting up and hightailing it out the door in the morning to take Nala and Little Man on a walk. It turns out Little Man is much more tolerant of the car seat/stroller when he first wakes up. I know it's going to get hot soon and I will have to keep hightailing it out the door first thing in the AM anyway so I guess this routine is for the best.
It was rainy though, so I savored the slower morning with him. We took our time getting up, changing his diaper, making coffee, getting ready, and eating breakfast (for me).
For breakfast, I've been having overnight oats with ½ cup oats, 1 tablespoon hemp seeds, 1 tsp maple syrup, ½ teaspoon chia seeds, and ½ cup flax milk topped with a big spoonful of sun butter and whatever fruit I have (usually blueberries or bananas.) Plus I always have two scoops of collagenin my coffee.
Last week I felt like my sun butter banana rice cakes were leaving me super hungry most of the morning, this oatmeal is very filling which is great! He played on his playmat for a while before it was time to head off to bed. He nursed and then slept for about 45 minutes (from about 9 to 9:45 AM).
Once he was up, we headed out the door. I had made and froze a batch of lactation cookies, and no-bake lactation bites for a friend who is going to have a baby next month and wanted to give them to her, plus catch up with her! We hung out at her house from about 10:15 AM to 12:15 PM.
My mom lives less than a mile from my friend's house, so we swung through the Starbucks drive-thru and headed to my Moms. I was unprepared when it came to food, so I snacked on some grapes at my Moms.
At that point, little man was SUPER tired and had enough the car seat, so it was a LONG drive home full of wailing tears. Luckily it was only about 20 minutes home, and I found a bag of jerky leftover from this weekend in the backseat passenger door. I ate the whole thing, whoops!
When we got home, he nursed and fell asleep immediately. I never know what to expect from naps nowadays, he used to take a long nap at a consistent time a day (1-2 hours). Nowadays his longer nap could be any time or could be non-existent. I'm rolling with it, but man those short naps are crazy frustrating! This nap ended up being 2.5 hours!
While he napped, I made another cup of coffee (half decaf) because I knocked my Starbucks drink all over the floor at my Moms. (UGH*) That's the FOURTH thing I've knocked over/spilled/broke in two days. I'm usually kind of clutsey but COME ON NOW. The madness must stop!
While Little Man napped, I ate a real lunch, checked email, finished sharing my carb cycling post on social, started this post, and pre-made a new recipe to shoot later that week. For lunch, I had Trader Joe's turkey burger, sweet potatoes, and broccoli which were prepped on Sunday during our huge grillathon.
See photo of Sunday grillathon below! We grilled salmon, cod, asparagus, turkey burgers, and Teton Water hot dogs.
Right before Little Man woke up from his nap I ate a banana. I usually pair my carbs with a protein or healthy fat, but I figured I ate enough coconut butter while making that new recipe to suffice.
When Mr. Hungry got home, he took over hanging out with Little Man so I could get a workout in. I wasn't feeling that great, so I decided just to do an uphill walking workout. After I started working out, I felt better, so I did some running and walking.
(sometimes I write my workout plan on the mirror with a dry erase marker, the notes you see are from a workout last week!)
Mr. Hungry takes care of the bedtime during the week (and I do the weekends) so after my workout, I had a salad with grilled salmon and wild rice. I'm not sure how I feel about wild rice yet. I recently learned it has more protein, fewer calories and carbohydrates then other types of rice so I wanted to try it.
It's very chewy (or maybe I didn't cook it enough) so I can see why it's typically part of soups (wild rice soups are popular). I also snacked on some plantain chips while my salmon and rice heated up. For a dressing I used the balsamic and fig dressing from Trader Joe's, it's pretty sweet but I like it!
Little man went down around 7 pm, and we watched Shameless while I finished up this post! I worked a little bit after we were done watching and it was lights out around 930/945 PM!
booba says
I’ve only had radicchio mixed with other salad greens – but I would love to try this salad! I love the idea of roasting the pears to make them taste like candy!! 🙂