Hi, friends, I'm popping in a while enjoy my breakfast of yogurt and granola to share what life in quarantine is like, what we are eating, etc. It's not real exciting over here, but then again, that's a good thing, right?
Yesterday started unusually early (since all this hit, I've been prioritizing watching Tiger King and getting 8 hours of sleep over my 4 am work sessions.) I got up at 4:15 am to get some work done, and since K slept in till 645, I got a decent amount done! I gave up my office to Mr. Hungry, so I'm out on the kitchen table.
I don't mind it too much except having to move my computer stuff to make room for photoshoots and videos kind of stinks. It is what it is, though. I still use the office for client calls and to film lectures for my students.
For breakfast little man had toast and almond butter. I mentioned this on IG, but it's worth mentioning here. I have SEVERAL items in my house that are good, not great. The type of whole wheat bread I bought for him is not my typical brand, it's 100% whole wheat, but it has a ton of preservatives. Oh, well. This is temporary. When I think of the amount of kool-aid I consumed as a kid, I laugh and move on.
For our breakfast, we made egg sandwiches. That is another type of concession I made. At Costco, they had limits on what you could buy (thank God), so instead of buying organic, I bought the 60 egg palette instead of 24 organic eggs. It is what it is, do the best you can.
I understand these concessions are incredibly MINOR compared to what some of you are experiencing on the east and west coasts, and what we could experience in Arizona. My point is, wherever you are, make the best choices you can make and try not to stress about food, you have enough to stress about.
We also cut the center out of our bagels so we could make two sandwiches from each bagel instead of one. #conservethebagels
Then it's work, play, work, play switch off - lots of back and forth with Mr. Hungry and I. Somehow, I managed to post the hummus for baby recipe yesterday by 10 am. It seems I'm lucky to get my blog posts out by noon these days, better than nothing, right? I know that's not ideal for those of you in the east coast 3 hours ahead, who like to read in the morning, but I'm doing my best!
One of his favorite activities is moving balloons around the backyard. Whatever works!
I've been mostly sticking to the baby's meal plan I posted last Friday. It's helped a lot to conserve hot commodity items like bread, chicken nuggets, and mini beef meatloaf cups. For a snack, he had some oat flour banana bread, he hates bananas but LOVES the bread!
For lunch, we had smoothies, although I forgot to take a picture of them (recycled photo below.) Mr. Hungry had one of the last remaining ones from Daily Harvest, and I had a Smoothie Box smoothie.
During nap time, I usually work on recording lectures for my students. Tomorrow I'm going to attempt to do an exam review live. Hopefully, technology is on my side! Haha, haha famous last words!
When the baby woke up, he had a snack, the last dairy-free yogurt. Then I did a little meal prep and baking. I prepped sweet potatoes for K's dinner.
(Just tossed in coconut oil and baked at 400F for 20 minutes.)
Then I made some granola out of what I had on hand.
- 2 cups oats
- ½ cups oat flour
- 1 cup walnuts
- 2 tablespoon ground flax
- ¼ cup hemp seeds
- ⅔ cup pumpkin seeds
- ½ teaspoon salt
- 2 teaspoon cinnamon
- a handful of almonds I had leftover that I chopped
- ⅓ cup maple syrup
- ⅓ cup coconut oil
Bake at 300F for 20 minutes, stir and bake again for another 20 minutes. It was delicious, but not so sweet that I can't stop eating it kind of granola.
I also snacked on some homemade hummus and carrots, plus a protein shake before we went on our evening family walk.
It's springtime in Arizona, and I just love it when the Cactus bloom. They have the most vibrant colors. It's beautiful.
It reminded me that last year this time, K had just turned six months old, and after doing the Taking Cara Babies program, we were finally getting some sleep. I remember seeing the cactus buds and feeling like someone was trying to wake me up from the last six months, haha, life with a newborn! In a way, I feel the same this year. I feel I'm waking up from a nightmare to realize that this soon will pass.
Unfortunately, the flowers and pollen are flaring everybody's allergies up, freaking us all out that we are sick, so that part I could do without.
Anyways, KJ had sweet potatoes and chicken nuggets (store-bought) for dinner as planned. I snacked a boatload on granola, so I wasn't hungry for dinner until after he went to bed. Then we watched the last couple episodes of Tiger King while eating the last bit of tortilla soup.
BTW - I don't have canned beans, I thought I bought some of every kind, but they are not anywhere to be found. So the soup was made without beans, and without enchilada sauce, I used salsa instead. Still delicious!
What are you watching on TV these days? Tiger King???? Did Carol kill her husband? What do you think????
Thanks for stopping by the blog today, I appreciate the flood of support I've gotten from you guys so much! Together we will get through this!
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