Welcome to Monday night, the night we long for during the chaos that Monday brings. My morning started with a 3 mile run with my fiance Paul. We planned four miles but we woke up almost 30 minutes later than planned thanks to the alarm not going off, so half asleep we decided to do 3 miles because we both knew we would to tired to do anything tonight. Plus, evenings are pretty much reserved for wedding related activities, details, discussions, etc. Usually when Paul and I run together he sprints ahead and jogs till I catch up and repeat. It had been since September since we ran together and this morning there was no sprinting ahead. He said I've gotten faster, but I think it may have had something to do with it being 6am, I'll take the win anyway!
Mile 1-10:34
Mile 2-9:40
Mile 3-9:13
Total 29:35 minutes, 3.01 miles, 9:49 average/mile
We followed our run with some green juice which I threw carrots in today, so it was more of an army green color. Looks gross, taste good (still putting stevia drops in Pauls cup) and is the best immunity booster I can think of pre wedding and honeymoon! There will be NO GETTING SICK! (knock on wood)
Afterwards I did a 300 Ab workout and planks. After my shower I was SUPER hungry so I before I even got ready I had leftovers of Spaghetti Squash crusted quiche and grapes.
I also poured myself a to go cup of buttery caramel coffee = Monday heaven.
Today was my first day of work but I am only working part time right now till after the wedding so I just brought a Pumpkin Apple Quinoa Bar for lunch/snack. I would have brought more but you know how first days are, you don't know where the fridge is... you feel awkward... all that fun stuff!
I went shopping after work for rehearsal dinner shoes and cover up which put me way across town well into rush hour. So, on the should be 20 minutes turned into 40 minute drive I listened to This American Life podcast. Apparently it can make running miles and driving miles go by fast because although I'm usually horribly inpatient in traffic, today it felt like in no time I was home. I quickly made up some Cheesy Brussels Sprouts and Chicken Sausage for dinner (a definite go to meal of mine when short on time). I used Sun Dried Tomato Laughing Cow, Sweet Italian Chicken Sausage and also threw in some leftover quinoa that was in the fridge.
After having my usual calcium chew and dates dessert, I was definitely still hungry (maybe thats why its good to have a real lunch), so I had some carrots.
Then we spent most of the night icing our injuries (his wrist and my shin splints) and planning out what we want to do for the 7 days we will be in Hawaii! Personally I can't think of a better way to end the day!
leannenalani says
Kauai is a good place for relaxing since it's not full of people. Also check out the Waimea canyon. Very cool.