Tuesday morning I remember I was so hungry at 6:30am, which is usually not like me. I hadn't planned to eat till I got to work but I grabbed a banana to damn the stomach growling beast.
Since the advent jar refuses to give me a reason to go to get Starbucks, I decided early morning meetings on Tuesday were a good enough reason. I treated myself to my first Skinny Peppermint Mocha, so crazy its the first one of the season if I were still in college it would be more like 300 by now.
The whole wheat cranberry bread I made was a hit the other day, so I made another loaf and brought it along again for the meeting and breakfast.
It was a busy meeting I ran all over downtown Phoenix it felt like. I stopped by the social security office to get started on all the name changes stuff! Squee!!! I'm Mrs. Shallal 🙂 I finally got to have lunch around 1pm, I packed a cinnamon roasted garbanzo bean and sweet potato salad.
And a honey greek yogurt for some extra protein...
Day 2 of forgetting to take a picture of the bag of carrots I ate while I nervously tried to finish a report... so here is an old pic... I mean all bags of carrots look the same lets be honest.
When I got home I was pretty hungry and tired, but I had crossfit scheduled. I grabbed a mini cliff bar sample that I got from the 12K's of Christmas Race last weekend.
After that I dug into the trail mix and cinnamon almonds...
Hunger still unsatisfied I decided to lay down for a 15 minute pre workout nap, I was not feeling like working out but quick naps usually really help out..
When my alarm went off after only 15 minutes I felt a million times better, still hungry though....
The WOD at crossfit was a long one too
I'd never done handstand wall push ups (HSPUs) as part of a workout before so that was kind of fun, although I could barely bend my elbows. I finished in 29:33 (10lb ball, 85lb deadlift, 25lb kettle bell swing). After the workout I went to the store to grab a few items so that Paul and I could make a giant sugar cookie, since the advent jar told us we should bake Christmas cookies. While it was baking we ate dinner leftovers of Shrimp and Black Bean Mexican Lasagna.
Then it was sugar cookie time!!!!!!!!!! Can it be bake Christmas cookies day every day?
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