Happy Memorial Day weekend! I hope your having a super fun and safe one out there! No big plans over here, I'm going into the gym but I'll get off earlier than I usually do so I'm excited about that.
On a side note, I finally feel like I'm getting back into the swing of things with workouts and one thing that's really helped with that and kept me accountable is recording them here. So I'm going to keep going with that!
Last week:
- Sunday- Run
- Monday- Upper Body Strength (Rows and Chest Press)
- Tuesday- Upper Body Strength (Rows and Chest Press)
- Wednesday- Sauna
- Thursday- Spin and Upper Body Strength
- Friday- Bootcamp like class
- Saturday- OFF
Next Week's Plan:
- Sunday- Run and strength
- Monday- Upper Body Strength, light cardio (walk)
- Tuesday- HIIT and steady cardio
- Wednesday- sauna/rest
- Thursday- Spin and Upper Strength in AM, Hot Yoga PM
- Friday- 5am Bootcamp
- Saturday OFF
I'm a little bit nervous about getting to the 5am bootcamp class because I know Friday and Saturday are going to be super long days. I know I feel better if I get a workout in, I'll just need to go to bed a lot earlier and enlist Mr. Hungry's help with Nala.
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