Hi friends!
Okay, so I did the 3 X 4 Genetics test back in June! But with the move, life got crazy, and over the holidays, I figured no one cared. So, here we are!
I started looking at genetics pretty quickly after I completed training on the DUTCH test and started offering it to my clients. Particularly because, when it comes to the DUTCH test, I often recommend supplements as part of an overall plan (with exercise modification, eating, and more) to help improve hormone balance, detoxification, nutrient deficiencies, and adrenal health. The idea is for you to be on those supplements for 3 months or so, retest, and come off. But, often, especially with detoxification, it wasn't that easy. If you come off in 3 months and retest and find you need to go right back on something to keep your results optimal, why is that?
Enter genetic testing.
Specifically, I often suggest the 3X4 genetic test for clients over 40 who have continual issues with methylation on their DUTCH test. Methylation is one of the primary ways we detoxify estrogens and release them from the body. Slow methylation can mean slow detoxification and slow release of hormones. It can also impact which hormone metabolites we favor, which can translate into carcinogenic risks since some estrogen metabolites are less desirable than others. Knowing your genetic impact can tell you which supplement support you may need long-term vs. what might be temporary support.
And for me, that's exactly what I saw in my top 3 areas of impact. I'll go over this next, but first, let's talk about the 3X4 Genetic Test.
What is the 3X4 Genetic Test?
From Rupa Health (a functional lab testing intermediary) Website:
"The 3X4 Genetics Test + Blueprint Report from 3X4 Genetics is a comprehensive genetic analysis tool that delves into 36 pathways important in human health. By examining over 134 genes from a simple cheek swab, this test provides personalized insights into nutrition, fitness, illness prevention, weight management, stress reduction, health optimization strategies, and more.
Tailored recommendations offered through the Blueprint Report empower individuals to make informed decisions about their health and wellness based on their genetic makeup. This approach allows patients to gain a deeper understanding of how their genetics influence their health and enables them to take proactive measures to prevent illness, delay disease onset, and optimize overall well-being. The test results are meant to be interpreted by the ordering healthcare provider within the context of an individual’s unique health history, lifestyle, goals, and needs.
The 3X4 Genetics Test + Blueprint Report is ideal for individuals seeking a better understanding of their genetic predispositions and how they may impact health outcomes. By analyzing genetic markers related to various health parameters, this test equips patients with valuable insights to guide lifestyle choices, dietary habits, and personalized interventions to support their unique genetic profile. The test requires only a simple cheek swab sample, making it convenient and accessible for patients seeking personalized health insights at the cellular level."
You can see a full report example of this test here.
I bolded that the test results are meant to be interpreted by a healthcare professional section because I don't 100% agree with that, but I did want to point out their recommendation. The report overall is very user-friendly, and I rarely charge my clients anything additional to review their reports with them. We usually just review it in the scope of a regular nutrition counseling appointment.
If you are not already a Hungry Hobby client, you can order the 3X4 Genetics test in my lab shop and do not have to meet with me to review the results. Of course, you can book any nutrition counseling appointment if you would like to review it, but I don't think that is 100% necessary as long as you take the results with a grain of salt. I encourage you to read through my results below. I share what I think of the recommendations for my top 3 areas to illustrate how the recommendations can be helpful but should still be individualized to you.
Note: 3X4 offers a certification program for practitioners, which I have not completed. This means I have not invested in their company certification or paid to take any courses with them. I have completed other nutrigenomics training and courses, but I can't speak to their certification process.
My Top Areas of Impact
Think of this section like your genetic dud section: where did you draw the short stick compared to other people?
My first top area of impact was Methylation. Which means I will likely need to supplement with methylated B vitamins in the long term. As described earlier, this will impact my ability to detoxify overall, as well as hormone detoxification. I didn't see the impact of poor methylation on my last DUTCH test, but I've been taking methylated vitamins for years. I had just one genetic marker, MTHFR, run by a naturopath many years ago, which showed reduced activity, so I've been on them for years. These results confirmed my thoughts that I would be on some sort of methylated B vitamin support long term as I actually have more than one marker impacting my methylation capabilities.
What I love about the 3X4 genetic test is it includes many methylation genetic markers as other tests that charge twice as much.
The second highest area of impact was detoxification overall. Methylation is one way our body detoxifies, but we also have many other pathways and reactions our bodies use to detoxify.
When I look at these recommendations, I think they are all solid recommendations except for the intermittent fasting portion. While IF may be a great strategy for me when I'm menopausal, right now, IF isn't great for female hormones. I usually tell my pre-menopausal clients that 12-14 hours is okay. Anything over that may have a hormonal impact. But, since I've learned my detoxification isn't as optimal as it could be, I've paid more attention to rotating through sulforaphane, glutathione, or NAC. I try to always be on one of them to support the liver's detoxification processes. And I do follow almost all of the dietary recommendations already!
And the last area of top impact made me laugh. If you've known me for any amount of time, you know that despite my workout goals, dedication, knowledge of proper form, etc, I'm prone to injury.
The recommendations in this category are interesting as I already eat a lot of those foods, follow those exercise recommendations (after learning the hard way), and take collagen, BCAAs, magnesium, zinc, and Vitamin D. I do not take Boswellia or MSM, but I'm open to them for sure.
The top 3 areas of impact are super interesting, but what I really like is how much information it gives you for the price point.
Pathway Based Results
But the test actually gives you so much more than that. The test actually breaks genetic results into five sections:
- Cellular
- Systems
- Cardiovascular
- Energy
- Activity
- Nutrients
You can see my pathway-based results overview in the photo below.
You can see a full report example of this test here.
What does Impact Mean?
3X4 provides the following to help you understand what impact means.
But also, even for pathways of high impact, having genes and those genes being expressed are two totally different things. You may think that if you carry genes for something, then that means you have that thing, but that's not the case. Having genes means you possess certain DNA sequences for traits, while gene expression refers to the active process of using the information within genes to create a functional product, essentially the process of creating something usable.
My chiropractor explained my risk of injury may be a high-impact area, but it's likely to matter the most when I'm in my 70's and 80's. If I had spent most of my life sedentary and continued to be sedentary, those genes would express, and I'd be screwed. Otherwise, it will probably have a 5-10% impact right now.
Celiac Disease Example
For instance, I will often use the 3X4 genetic test if I have a client I need to screen for risk of celiac by testing for HLA-DQ2 and HLA-DQ8. You can have the genes for celiac but not have celiac disease, but it's very unlikely you have celiac without any of the genes for it. Some people who have celiac disease in their family choose to find out if they carry the genes; if they do, they may avoid or minimize gluten as a precaution. There is no research to support this choice. However, in order to develop celiac, you have to react to exposure to gluten. It's typically thought that environmental triggers such as pregnancy, stress, food, and more can trigger genetic expression. It's incredibly complex.
Many people remove gluten from their diet and feel better, then under no circumstances want to put it back in. Unfortunately, the only way to clinically test for celiac disease is to have someone eat gluten and then take biopsies of their GI tract to see if it's impacted. It's important to know if you have nonceliac gluten sensitivity or actual celiac disease because one is sensitivity, and the other is autoimmunity. If there is autoimmunity present, you'll want to know so that your offspring (kids) can monitor for autoimmunity and so you can request ANA readings (pre-autoimmunity marker) on your annual bloodwork. Once you have one autoimmune condition, you are more likely to get another. Also, auto-immunity can sometimes be reversed, so I'd want to know for sure if I had it or if I had a family history. If you do, we can conclude you may want to continue avoiding gluten and warn your offspring that there is the potential for autoimmunity in the form of celiac. If you don't, well, at least you know you don't have it, and there is no chance to pass it to offspring. We can assume your improvement from a gluten-free diet is likely from other factors.
My own results show that I have the genes associated with celiac, but the combination I have is an almost negligible risk. In case you are curious, HLADQ2.2/ HLADQ 2.2 (remember you get two copies from each parent; mine happens to be the same from both parents) can develop celiac disease.
I went to look at the above genetic markers because I was curious, but in the PDF report, I think 3X4 does a great job of explaining risk.
You could also have higher-risk genes or not carry the genes at all.
3X4 Genetic Test vs. 23andMe
I've actually done both of these tests.
And I do love that with the 23 and my membership, you keep getting information on specific disease risks. For example, my most pertinent info is that I'm at risk for glaucoma and macular degeneration, so I now get yearly screenings at the eye doctor even though I don't wear glasses or have problems.
I think that 23andMe is great for ancestry information and potential disease risk. As mentioned above, this is great information to have. But, you do have to keep paying to keep getting information as they do more research. 3X4 Genetics is great for analyzing genes in relation to pathways like metabolism, detoxification, blood sugar regulation, how you respond to diet and exercise, nutrient needs, and more. They help you understand how your genes change the way you respond to the world around you, the food you eat, the exercise you do, and the lifestyle you choose. I'm honestly glad that I've done both tests. They gave me totally different information on risks and action items I can take to support my health. I think of the 23andme more as disease risk and 3X4 genetics as looking at risk factors for a multitude of disease processes.
Here are a few more pages of my report so you can get an idea!
You can see a full report example of this test here.
If you are not already a Hungry Hobby client, you can order the 3X4 Genetics test in my lab shop and do not have to meet with me to review the results. Of course, you can book any nutrition counseling appointment if you get your test back and decide you would like to review it. Or contact me if you prefer to order the test and pay for a nutrition counseling appointment all together at once.
But either way, I just wanted to share my results and how cool I think this test is! I highly recommend it for anyone over 30, but especially over 40, so you can have a good idea of how to support optimal health long-term instead of just reacting to blood work results. The nice thing about a genetic test like this is that you only do it once, and genes don't change. haha
Let me know if you have questions or if you've done this test and what you thought of it!
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