Before we get into today's post, I wanted to let you know the winner of the Zulay kitchen giveaway was notified!
Also, I published Why I Still Offer Food Sensitivity Testing last night. It's really a post written for other RDs, but if you are interested feel free to read!
I don't have any pictures of food or favorites to share this week. I do however have a lot of other random life happenings going on, so I thought it would be a good time for a coffee date!
So, if we were having coffee...
I'd want to catch up! Did you go anywhere fun this summer or hang out at home? How are the fur babies and/or kiddos? What's life like for you?
If we were having coffee...
I'd tell you that I'm a little sad we didn't have any monsoons this year. I knew we would pay for that cool weather we experienced in the early part of the summer one way or another. Unfortunately, we are paying with less rain. I read somewhere we only got ¼ of the rain we typically get, no wonder even my succulents are struggling to hang on.
I'd also tell you I'm excited for the upcoming semester. I'll be teaching two labs and two lectures. Teaching is a passion of mine, and I'm so happy I'll have a full course load this semester. I'm also finishing up interviews for a dietetic intern, so lots of opportunities teach!
Of course, the flip side of that means new challenges in learning to balance work and home. More classes mean more childcare, which I'm ready for but I know I'll miss my little guy. We are VERY blessed to have so much family help available to us this semester to watch Little Man while I teach, I know not everyone has that luxury. That being said, it's still a significant change to be working away from home more, and I know it will take an adjustment period for the little man and myself.
I'd tell you, Mr. Hungry and I are dreaming of a kitchen and bathroom remodel. We currently have a galley kitchen, which we always intended on opening up but never got around to it. Now with baby K crawling, I need to be able to see him in the living room from the kitchen. While remodeling is always fun, it's also a massive headache. How do you live without a kitchen sink when you have tiny humans in the house?!?! What do you feed them? How do you handle it? Makes my head want to explode!
That's it for me right now. It's going to be a busy semester but then the holidays will be here before you know it! What's going on with you? What would you tell me if we were having coffee?
Friday Fitness
I'm thinking about doing an aaptiv workout program for the next month, just to put things on autopilot. The program, however, has more running than I want to do so I'll likely still sub my own workouts in.
8/9 - KB burner aaptiv strength workout
8/10 - spend it all aaptiv strength workout
8/11 - 3-mile aaptiv run
8/12 - Monday OFF
8/13 Tues - Lower Body
Glute Activators
3 rounds (#55)
- 10 deadlift
- 10 sumo squat
3 rounds
- 12 assisted Petersen step-ups on a small box
- 8 step up to lunges (#40)
8/14 Wed - Upper Body
This was a good one! I'm going to do it again!
3 rounds
- 10 push-ups
- 20 crunches
- 15 pullovers (#25 plate)
*I went heavier with each round - I use 8, 10, 12, 15, 20-pound dumbbells
- Renegade Rows
- Bicep Curl to Overhead Press
- Tricep Kickbacks
8/15 Thurs - OFF
Friday Flashbacks
20-minute spicy Asian lettuce wraps
Meal plan subscribers, these delicious chicken lettuce wraps are your meal plan for this week! Check your inbox! <3
Dawn says
You are an amazing teacher! Your class was one of my favorites 🙂 Seriously, everyone should take that course to learn about how our food and bodies interact. I am bummed out about the lack of rain too. It's always been my favorite part about this time of year. Without it, it's just.....unbearably hot.
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Thanks, Dawn! I know, it makes the summer feel NEVER ENDING!