Hi friends! It's been I don't even know how long since my last coffee update so I thought it was time! I chose ice coffee because it's suppose to hit 90's this weekend, so if we were grabbing coffee together mine would be iced coffee.
Mine would also be decaf coffee, yep I'm 100% fully off the caffeinated stuff. Now I just have to figure out how to make a decent decaf iced coffee. My friend gave me a k cup of Pete's decafand it was DELICIOUS. Thinking I might roll with that this summer?
One thing I haven't really had a chance to mention on the blog is that I joined a bible study. I've been invited to this bible study for years but never went. I always felt like it was more my MIL's thing (it was her group of friends and she was heavily involved in leading the group when she lived here) and I just wasn't really into it. But, my MIL doesn't live here anymore so I can't really use that anymore. So I decided to give it a try this spring and so far I really like it. We have been studying the beatitudes, which up until the first meeting I had no idea what those were. So progress? There is a lot of sharing which at times makes me uncomfortable but we can always pass if we don't want to share. Overall so far so good!
On the work front, the big thing right now is getting the website for What to Eat? Meal Plans up and running. If you didn't know, I teamed up with my bestie blogger friend to create the meal plans and together we are working to create a new website. This will make it easier for us to combine forces locally, instead of housing the purchasing on each of our own blogs. At first, we loved the combo of the blue and pink logo, it really represented each of our websites. However, upon trying to build a new site the colors look like the Easter bunny is having a baby shower. So, not exactly ideal. We finally got something a little better and sent it off the designer yesterday! Soon we will be doing tons of presentations around town, which is actually something I LOVE to do. I can talk in front of a crowd any day all day.
On the blog front, I'm all about getting you guys more giveaways right now so I'm arranging that. Stay tuned for an AWESOME one come Monday. It's gonna be amazing. Recipe wise I know I've been slowing down a little bit, I'm wondering what frequency you guys like? My goal right now is 1-2 new recipes a week, what do you guys think!
And of course, I still have my clients and my students which are always my top priority. Working one on one with my nutrient clients whether their goal is weight loss, hormone balance, or healing their GI system is truly a passion of mine. I never thought I would enjoy one on one counseling, but the difference is in my private practice I have the luxury of giving a client my full undivided attention for as long as it takes. I think that makes all the difference. My students are also constantly teaching me new things, keeping me up to date with trends, and making healthy changes as they learn throughout the semester, it's really cool to see!
Fitness wise, I feel like I need to set a goal for this summer. What do I want to accomplish? What do I want to get out of my exercise? What is my goal? These are questions I'm asking myself as the weather heats up and the treats get more frequent.
Currently, we don't have any travel plans coming up since I'm kind of limited with my back right now. I'm thinking maybe a staycation somewhere nice in town this summer will help me mentally deal with the heat. Might be something fun to do for my 30th birthday! EEEKKKK can't believe 3-0 is here! I'm so ready for it though. For some reason I still love birthdays, it's just doesn't bother me. (I say that now, I guess we will see how I feel about it on an actual day.)
Which by the way, I'm DREADING the heat. My plan is to sit in the pool or in front of the AC with a decaf iced coffee all summer. Let me know if you other Arizonians have a better plan I'm all ears. (Snowbirds don't count you get to leave.)
Alright, that is all my rambling for the day, tell me, friends, if we were having coffee what would you tell me? What are your favorite parts of spring? How is work? How are the kids/hubbs/SO? Any travel plans this summer?
Jaime says
Eek, 90 degrees! I'm in Ohio, where it's usually all 4 seasons in the same week. This week is supposed to be in the 50s and rainy!
I'm definitely ready for spring weather, though. I have my first half marathon in a week and a half (!), and I've done most of my running on the treadmill. I need outside runs badly! I guess we'll see what happens on race day. =)
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Four seasons in a week??? That's crazyness! I hope your run is pretty outside!
Emily @ Pizza & Pull-Ups says
30 is fun, so far my 30s have been my favorite. Have you been to AZ Grand by chance? I have heard that it is a great family staycation spot, but I have not actually checked it out yet.
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Thanks Emily! I haven't heard about it yet, but I'll definitely check it out!
Susie @ Suzlyfe says
Decaf for me as well (i've already had 2 this morning). And Alex hits 31 today and I'm in a week and a half ish. We'll be serious adults by then--SAHM, Dr, 30s, with a baby and a menagerie of animals... now we need a mortgage and a car...
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
LMAO! American DREAM congrats! cheers on decaf!