So, just like your big brother KK, some of your updates will be behind and combined. That's the nature of being the second and third kids! This delay was specifically because we were all so sick, especially Mommy, over your first Thanksgiving. That spot will be blank in your baby book.
At least I still got the photos on the correct dates!
At your six-month check-up, you were 95th% for height, 30th percentile for weight, and around 30th percentile for head circumference.
You have brown eyes and light brown hair. To me, you look like a mix of your two brothers. Darker features like KJ but a similar face structure to KK.
I started giving you some baby oatmeal and purees around 5.5 to 6 months. But November was rough with the ickies going around, and you didn't have much interest in purees. You refused to eat anything except baby oatmeal for a couple of weeks. Finally, besides canned pumpkin, I gave up on purees and started some baby-led weaning. Turns out you love too much on veggies like asparagus and broccoli! I was so surprised because your brothers always acted like those foods were poison. You also seem a little picky about who you will let feed you. Goga, your normal babysitter, and I are fine, but random backup sitters and daddy are not.
Foods you like:
- asparagus spears
- broccoli
- healthy waffles
- bananas
- salmon
- mashed potatoes with garlic
- canned pumpkin
- 3 ingredient pancakes (YOU LOVED THESE THIS MORNING)
Foods you are not jazzed about:
- plain eggs
- plain yogurt
- mango
- most purees
I'm glad I did a little bit of baby led weaning with KK, so I'm comfortable with it now. It's so much easier to let you feed yourself for most meals. I still try to do some sort of puree or one meal a day where I'm helping you to make sure that some of the food is making it into your stomach. Purees don't go well, so I've had to get creative, like flaked salmon with mashed potatoes.
At your six-month appointment, you could sit up unassisted, and you were getting better and better. I still can't quite sit you down and think you are gonna sit there without toppling over, but I bet by the end of the month, you'll be sitting unassisted. You are no longer using the car seat attachment for walks and can now ride in the stroller (BOB duallie) next to your brothers. KJ usually walks nowadays or rides on the end part. I'm hoping we can get a year's use out of the doona, but we will see how long you fit in it!
You're moving all around in tummy time now! You can do a complete 360. You still aren't intentionally rolling front to back, but the boys didn't do that until they were 8/9 months old, so I'm not concerned. You wiggle around a ton when I'm holding you like you want to get down, but then cry when I set you down. It's hard to be baby ha ha
Your brothers make you laugh a lot and are your primary form of entertainment, although sometimes they can be a little much.
- Grabbing your feet
- Pulling off socks
- Being held
- Being in the carrier
- Your brothers making funny noises
- Any package that crinkles
- Riding in the car
- Riding in the stroller
- Watching your brothers play
- The Kitty
- The activity center
- Mommy singing
- When you can see Mommy, but she isn't holding you
- When Mommy leaves the room
- New people (they scare you now)
- The swing and bouncer - you want to use these less and less!
- Sleeping
So, I attempted to sleep-train you, but I don't think I was ready (you were definitely read as you were much older than the boys were). I started Taking Cara Babies ABCs of Sleep just like I did with the boys, but I was inconsistent. And now we're kind of back to you being up all night and wanting to sleep with Mommy. Part of that was because I attempted to keep two feedings, which TCB recommends against. I tried to keep a dream feed and an early morning feeding in because then you would sleep longer in the morning, and I could work, but now that's not working. I'll probably have to restart the whole process, but this time, I'll make sure I'm committed and only keep the dream feed in. Oh well!
Your personality is starting to emerge little by little. The one thing I've noticed is that you love people. You love to interact with people. You're not super content just to watch your brothers. You'd prefer them to be right by you, making you laugh. You love to lift your legs and bang them down when you get excited and frustrated. You are my 0-100 baby. Happy or not, fussing isn't really something you do that much of. I'm so excited to keep getting to know you! I love you so much, baby girl!
- Loveevery Toys
- Baby Einstein Toy
- Crinkle Bags
- Merlin Suit
- Graco Pack N Play
- Dr. Browns Narrow Glass Bottles
- Bobbie Gentle Formula
- Portable sound machine
- Hatch Rest + (gifted to us)
- Doona Carseat –> the one big purchase I did for baby 3!
- Baby Brezza Sterilizer
- Ergo 360
- Legendairy Milk cups – I use these with my Elvie Stirde pump, and it’s definitely way better output.
- Elvie Breast Pump
- Elvie Breast Pump Bag
- Motif Luna Double Electric Pump
- Newton Baby Mattress
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