Anyone else been victim of Southwest craziness recently? Man the last couple times we've flown with them have been a DISASTER. Today is no different! Last night there was a shooting somewhere in Phoenix and the guy fled to the airport, so it closed down. Somehow that translated into our flight this morning getting cancelled. After countless hours on the phone with Southwest crying to them about missing the rehearsal dinner for Megan's wedding they finally gave us the option to go standby. So we showed up here super early thinking to go standby and somehow got on a miracle flight. It's not the direct nonstop convenience we had before, but it should get us there in time. We started packing at 11pm last night and finished in 10 minutes at 4 am this morning. I have no idea what I'm wearing or what is in my suitcase other than my bridesmaid dress!
Pete's Coffee is starting to wake and perk me up a bit though!
I also got a yogurt from Pete's, I wasn't that hungry but I felt like I should eat before I got on the plane. In effort to continue complying with Sugar Free September I did not eat the "fruit on the bottom" which grosses me out anyway. I love Chobani but my favorite is Simply Vanilla. I also stoled a few bites of Mr. Hungry's Croissant Sandwich too, which was AMAZING!
I don't know how much using my hotspot for wifi is costing so I better be out now! Here is to hoping we don't get delayed on our connecting flight! In the mean time I wanted to share with everyone my new post over at the Formulx Health and News Blog!
Whey Protein Considerations During Pregnancy & Childhood
This post was actually an answer to questions Formulx was receiving. Have you ever wondered if whey protein is safe for you and your baby during Pregnancy and Lactation? Has your child asked you for sips of your protein shake before and you're wondering if it's okay? What about your teenage athlete and whey protein? I answer all those questions in today's post! Check it out here!
Vivian says
This is so informational! I'm so happy I found!
I can't wait to start eating healthy, work out more & lose weight!!!