Good morning Friends!
I think I've mentioned this before but every time I get off the treadmill and it's not a disaster, I feel weird, like it isn't normal to feel anything but sore after a run. Although I'm totally starting over again in running (2 miles at 6.0 kind of feels hard now), I'm so thankful that it doesn't feel like I'm going against my body anymore. It feels like all the reasons I love running.
Before and after every run I do glute bridges and presses, I'm also icing after every run long or short. Would I like to be half marathon training? Sure I would! Right now though I'm just happy to be running and that's no joke! This week is only 2 miles so I think I might venture off the treadmill to a dirt trail with Nala and see how it goes. I love the treadmill, but I can only take so much you know?!?!
I have a tendency to over do it when I go back running, I'll just keep adding mileage every day trying to get back to my 11-13 miles I was doing before. I long for the day when an 8 mile run feels normal hard again. In order to prevent ramping up to fast I asked a co worker at the gym what I should do and he quickly jotted down this training plan for the Turkey Day 10K (thanks Chuck!) The plan is pretty cool, it includes a lot of me simply just building up my base which is something I would have not done without his guidance.
I know the jump between week 1 and 2 seems big but I actually started last week when I did 2.5 miles. So the general gist is you go up 1 mile from your longest run, but back off half a mile the next week. I think it's the backing off that will be the most important for me and also the hardest to adhere to. Recovery is where change is made people!
Have a great hump day!
[…] the stress on my back, but I don’t care because it was a huge confidence booster for the turkey day 10K next week! Post run I foam rolled some more, especially my calves and lower […]