Sunbutter Lover
Whew! Is it really only Tuesday? I don't know about you but today was crazy! I started the day off with a sunbutter, banana and raisin wrap/foldover (using a small tortilla) plus one spoonful of sunbutter straight from the jar.
Are you wondering what Sunbutter is? In case you aren't lucky enough to have been introduced to it yet please allow me to hype it up for you! I was first exposed to Sunbutter when my ex-roommate was working for school nutrition and mentioned they use it in schools as a substitute for kids who are allergic to peanuts. It's made from sunflower seeds, sugar, and salt so it taste like slightly sweet salted sunflower seeds. I was hooked at first lick! They sell it at a lot of different places but the cheapest I have seen it is at Trader Joe's (all their nut butters are pretty reasonably priced and minimally processed.) Since it's sweetened (unlike the almond butter I buy) I use it whenever I want something a little more sweet.
Anyways, don't know where that little spiel came from but you should definitely give sunbutter a whirl! The morning was filled with so many different activities, I didn't get a chance to eat till 1pm which is crazy late for me! I barely looked around at the choices and headed straight for the salmon like I was on a mission. I also got sweet potato and veggies on the side.
I actually though I was going to be overly full, but I was just perfect to get through the rest of the afternoon. Success! says
Kelli, Thanks so much for sharing How to Properly Store Fruits and Vegetables.
Best of luck to you,