This week I reminded myself I have three goals:
1) Reduce my overall sugar intake
2) Decrease my reliance on desert
3) "Reset" my taste buds so that I am more satisfied by less sweets
However, healthy changes should NOT be stressful. So, I'm not stressing out about eating things with a tiny bit of added sugar in them. I am still avoiding added sugar for the most part, but not freaking out if I don't feel like it can be avoided. When it comes to food I firmly believe that restriction creates cravings and binging. On the other hand, reframing "restriction" to become "avoidance" creates balance, enhanced self control, and a better shot at achieving your goals.
Saturday, September 6th
- Got really mad at myself because of a few slip ups. Reminded by two people that the goal is to reduce cravings and decrease total intake of sugar, not stress. Total eradication of sugar from the diet is a process.
- 6 days without gum, 6 days without added sugar substitute in anything
Sunday, September 7th
- Forgot about slip ups, jumped right back on the bandwagon!
Monday, September 8th
- Mr. Hungry really wanted In and Out to "celebrate" the first Cardinals game, got a protein style burger and well fries with NO sauce. Came home to put mustard on the burger... sugar in the mustard.... opened a new bottle of mustard in the cabinet that didn't have any sugar. I actually didn't miss the sauce that much!
- Ate a lot of bananas throughout the day #craving
Tuesday, September 9th
- No big deal
Wednesday, September 10th
- Was really hungry and I can't not eat before going to the gym, so I had the last quest bar stashed in my purse, also finished some turkey jerky throughout the day
- When I got home from the gym I was feeling a little queezy I opened up a can of diet sprite. Surprise! It was too sweet, I drank about ¼ and the rest went into the garbage... I guess my taste buds are readjusting! Success and motivation to keep going.
Thursday, September 11th
- I knew I was going to have to grab something quick between work and my hair appointment. I started to stress about what I was going to eat. Then I just let go of the stress, because healthy should never be stressful. I was REALLY hungry, so I ended up with a Health Mix Burrito from Rubios, it was delicious!
Friday, September 12th
- Ate a cookie for my SIL's 23rd B-Day (she literally fed me the first bite). 🙂 It was lemon white chocolate chip and delicious. Some things I noticed? I was totally satisfied with just ONE cookie. Before starting this challenge I would have wanted more, but now I just wanted one. Did we break the challenge? Yep. So 5 dollars each extra goes into the collection plate tonight. Sometimes food is about celebrating with those that you love. I'm okay with breaking the challenge to do that. I can tell my taste buds are resetting like I want them too and the challenge is working so if anything it's motivation to keep going.
I am insanely proud about:
- I haven't had a piece of gum since September 2nd (I was chewing ½ to 1 pack per day)
- I haven't added sugar or stevia into anything.
- I haven't bought anything with added sugar, so those things are slowly disappearing from the house.
- I haven't melted down for a piece of chocolate.
- I'm already more satisfied by less sweet food.
Let's chat! Are you participating in Sugar Free September? How is it going????
*Lookout tomorrow for next week's Sugar Free September Meal Plan!
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