Happy Wednesday!
I hope everyone has a good Wednesday, remember after today it's all smooth sailing till the weekend! Let me catch you up on yesterday afternoon & evening...
Daytime Eats
Around Noon yesterday I had some almonds to tied me over till lunch. I ate about ½ this bag and some water.
I was sooooo excited for lunch yesterday once I heard sweet potatoes were on the menu. I had the Apricot Ginger Glazed Salmon with sides of sweet potato and broccoli. Hello nutritious and delicious!
Even though it is blazing hot outdoors (like 115 ish... but who really counts over 110?), we sat outside anyways because the hospital is so cold it actually feels good to warm up.
Splitting Dinner into 2 Mini Meals
I've noticed that some days I've been splitting dinner into two mini meals. This usually happens when I'm headed to the gym around 530 and won't be back till around 730 or 8pm (it takes 40 minutes to get there and back). I end up eating a snack before I go and another when I get home. Not always, but generally I try to make the snack before basically carbohydrates for fuel and the snack after my workout more protein rich for muscle building. I find this strategy works for me because I don't eat so much that I'm weighed down during my workout, but I'm also not starving and wanting to leave.
Dinner #1
When I got home at about 4:15pm I was hungry and craving a cookie. In order to take care of both things I poured myself a bowl of cinnamon puffins with unsweetened chocolate almond milk to eat while I wrote my post earlier. The cereal did a pretty good job satisfying my sweet craving and wasn't too heavy for a pre workout meal.
Around 545pm I headed to the gym. To start my workout off I hopped on the treadmill and knocked out a quick 10 minute/1 mile warm up on the treadmill. After that I finished the Abs portion of Workout #4 from Summer Shape Up 2013. It was seriously killer, my abs were BURNING. I was so thankful I split up the workout between two days. To finish out I set the Stairmaster to level 7 and calorie burn mode, I then increased the level every 5 minutes to 11. I was DRIPPING sweat the WHOLE time, it felt so good. Plus it felt good to beat my last 20 minute Stairmaster workout in calories burned, floors, miles, and levels! Wahoo!
Dinner #2
After I got done working out I was hungry again so I came home and made a quesadilla with La Tortilla Factory lo-carb tortillas and ¼ cup of TJ's reduced fat mexican cheese. I ate it with some carrots and salsa on the side.
Questions of the day:
Do you prefer working out in the morning or evening?
Do you have any meal/snack strategies for the best workout?
Muscle Factor X Review says
WOW just what I was looking for. Came here by searching for muscle building
pre-workout supplement online says
Consuming dietary supplements may also aid in tissue maintenance and repair, processes that occur throughout your life. Your day to day activities put a strain on your tissues, and specialized cells within your body continually produce proteins that make up healthy new tissue to replace old, damaged tissue. Defects in tissue repair and maintenance lead to diseases, such as osteoporosis, that develop from bone wasting that commonly occurs as you age.