Happy Humpday! So close to the long weekend .....SO CLOSE.... hang in there!
I've been wanting to tell you about the time Paul and I ran in the rain (last Tuesday). The funny part about it is Mr. Hungry and I woke up to run around 550, got ready and headed downstairs. We opened the garage door and ..... "oh crap it's raining".... (FYI that doesn't happen in AZ very often)
Should we go? Should we not go? Let just do it! So off we went Mr. Hungry flying ahead of me. We had decided to go down the hill of death and then turn around it and go back up for a total of 3 miles. The whole first mile was downhill so that was okay but I felt like we were literally racing the clock, and apparently so did Mr. Hungry because he seemed like he was flying. Around mile 2 I told him I had to stop and walk a little His response? "I feel like we have to beat the storm."
Mile 1- 8:56
Mile 2- 10:05 ---> walking and hill of death
Mile 3- 9: 34
We both agreed that running the rain is like a childhood dream come true, you feel very free, it's exhilarating and scary because you're not sure when the drizzle is going to turn into a downpour. Then the raindrops start getting bigger and bigger and flying in your face and eyes. For me that's when fun turned into "just get this over with." When it was finally over I was happy we made it through without getting caught in an exponential downpour!
I had taken the day off work for a Doctor's appointment, who called and canceled by the way, so I made a big breakfast for myself after our running adventure.
Pancake made from 1 egg, ½ cup egg whites, and 1 banana topped with almond butter and apple butter!
I'd definitely say that running in the rain increased our speed!
Formulx Health Blog Post
I also wanted to quickly share with you my post over at Formulx News and Health Blog today. For me choosing the right protein/energy bar comes down to when I'm eating it, it's ingredients and overall nutrition. I also provided a really delicious and simple protein bar recipe!
You can check out the post here--->4 Ingredient Formulx Protein Bars
Questions of the day:
Do you like to workout in the rain?
What do you look for in a protein/energy bar?
*Note this post was ammended do to a glitch in the system. It deleted half of the original post (from breakfast down) so I re-added it.