Another morning where I didn't really quite have time for green juice, but I decided to go for it anyway. I didn't sleep very well last night, so my body was definitely craving nutrients (and sleep but that wasn't in the cards.) Ever since Paul sent me this article, about the goitrigens in kale, I've been thinking about how important it is to vary the foods we eat in order to get the most possible nutrients, especially when we are taking foods in concentrated forms like juice. Foods interact in all kinds of ways, sometimes combinations can be more beneficial for our bodies and sometimes they can be less. For example, cruciferous vegetables are full of fiber which help bind toxins and lower cholesterol. They also may decrease absorption of iodine and selenium. I take a multivitamin with >100% of selenium and iodine so I am not worried about developing hypothyroidism. However, the old saying, everything in moderation is a key component to our diets. So long story short I've been trying to be more adventurous and vary the greens I use for our normal morning green juice, mostly I've just been rotating between romaine, kale, and spinach. Here is this morning's spinach based green juice.
Recently I've got kind of a little process going, I juice all ingredients except one apple and the ginger. I stop the juicer and pour half the juice in a glass and replace the pitcher. I juice the remaining apple, add four drops of stevia, stir and pour into a glass for Paul. I put back the juice I set aside into the pitcher, then I juice a couple of pieces of ginger, stir and re-pour back into the glass you see in the picture for myself. It sounds complicated but it goes pretty quickly.
Since I had the juice and coffee, I didn't get hungry for breakfast until close to 9am, but then the hunger hit me turning me into a ravenous monster. I started breakfast by finishing the last of my chicken chorizo and kale stuffed squash.... love me some savory food for breakfast.
(Instagram should make their own editing software because I swear its better than Picasa or anything else.)
I was still hungry when I finished and I've been craving a granola bar lately, so thats what I dug into about 5 minutes later.
I got a lot done in the morning, working away trying to knock some stuff off the to do list. Even the boring fire drill was rather productive. I had lunch around 12:15pm, not the prettiest yogurt picture I've ever taken but it taste good!
Yogurt: 1 cup nonfat plain greek yogurt, 1T blueberry walden farms syrup, 4 drops stevia, 2T pumpkin puree. Topped with blackberries and Quinoa Granola (maple almond version coming soon!). I snacked on some pistachios before things got crazy at work. We had an update and the system went down for two hours which meant a room full of clients that needed to be seen. I rushed over to the other clinic to help, thankfully once the system was up and running we got everyone in and out pretty smoothly.
Now that I've shown mush picture after mush picture after mush picture, I tried to get a better picture of dinner. I had last nights leftover of sautéed sweet apple chicken sausage & brussels sprouts. I also had some Spicy Mexican Hummus-Yogurt Dip (recipe coming soon) on the side.
Yoga Class Comeback
Paul was out playing basketball so after dinner I quickly packed our lunches for tomorrow and my breakfast. The time flew by so quickly and before I knew it I was late to my first in person yoga class in over 5 years. Not a great way to make my return, but the teacher was gracious and nice. The class was perfect for my injury recover and a great gentle way to re-enter the world of "in person" yoga class.
Reward for my return was dessert of ½ banana with sun butter in the middle.
Have a great humpday tomorrow, if you need extra pick me ups check out this great playlist.
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