Hello from Denver airport. Silly me, decided to book my flight from Philadelphia to Phoenix through Denver. So I'm now in the middle of a snowstorm PRAYING my flight doesn't get canceled. It's currently delayed a couple of hours.
Guess what launched yesterday?!?!?!?!?! Yep! Meal Prep For Weight Loss is now available in all forms!
Here are a few reviews by my RD friends!
“Most people know the WHY and WHAT behind weight loss and eating well, but don’t know where to start. Kelli’s well-organized, easy-to-follow meal prep plans teach you the HOW behind realistic and sustainable methods to make healthy cooking fit within your busy lifestyle. Kelli’s realistic approach to weight loss and flexible meal plans based on real food will give you tools for long-term success.”―Kath Younger, RD, owner of Katheats.com
“Kelli is a master at meal planning and meal prepping in a way that it efficient, simple, and cost-effective for people with busy lives. Whether you work hectic hours or have a family to manage along with holding down a job, Meal Prep for Weight Loss is an ideal resource for busy professionals who want to take more control of their meals and weight. You’ll save time, money, and calories by following the plans and recipes provided.”―Mandy Enright, MS, RDN, RYT, corporate wellness specialist at Team with ME: Nutrition & Fitness Consulting
“This book is a staple for anyone wanting to meal prep their way to reaching their goals! Kelli does an excellent job explaining meal prep with step-by-step instructions, making it easy and relatable for anyone. If you have weight loss goals, or simply want to live a healthier life and make meal planning simple and straightforward, this book is a must-have for your cookbook library!”―Tveen Verano MPH, RD
Speaking of my RD friends, I had so much fun seeing everyone at FNCE in Philadelphia! I wanted to share a few photos from the conference!
FNCE 2019 - Philadephia Highlights
I connected through Chicago on the way to Philly from Phoenix, so I got a salad at some bar. No idea which one, but it was pretty delicious.
My flight was delayed, so I hit the ground running once I got in with Saturday night events. I went to my local state meeting and then the Nutrition Entrepreneurs networking event. I was having so much fun catching up with all my friends that I didn't even take pictures.
Egg Nutrition Center #eggenthusiast Event
On Sunday, I had the pleasure of attending an event hosted by the Egg Nutrition Center (ENC), which was so much fun! It was a cooking event, and the attendees worked together to make salad and pasta from scratch.
Have you ever made pasta from scratch? This was my first time making it!
The final dish -->
Instead of parmesan cheese, we grated cured egg yolk on top of it. It was delicious but very salty!
Expo Hall
I didn't even come close to finishing my rounds at the Expo hall! I kept running into friends and catching up. There were some trends I noticed, though:
- Nut milk - all kinds of plant-based milk! Many brands were new to me, but I saw a trend towards new types of nut milk (like pecan and pistachio) as well as less or no preservatives!
- Gluten-Free- still tons of gluten-free options, both new and old.
- Real Food Ingredients- many companies are changing their formulations to match consumer demand for real food!
- Allergy-friendly awareness - seed-based products seem to be on the rise!
Loved this hysterical play on words by the Tomato Wellness Council:
I tried honeycomb for the first time at the National Honey Board booth. You can eat the wax or spit it out. I chose to spit it out.
Seafood Nutrition Partnership Dinner
On Monday night, I attended a downright delicious dinner hosted by the Seafood Nutrition Partnership. It was really to fun to learn about sustainable seafood practices and to try new seafood that I'd never tried before! I'm also glad I got to try some east coast seafood before heading back to Arizona!
It was pretty dark in the room, but I was able to lighten up the photos a little bit so I could share them. That being said, the photos don't do justice to how delicious the food was. I also was too busy shoving the dessert in my face to take a picture. Sorry, not sorry!
There were many more networking events, meals, catching up with friends, and expo booths that I'm not including, but these were just a few of the highlights!
RD friends, did you go to FNCE? What was your favorite event/session/meal?
If you aren't an RD, do you go to work conferences? What are they like?
Ryan @ Themastercleangroup says
These foods look so delicious wonderful article and very informative! thanks for sharing