Hi Guys! So good news and bad news... I always like to start with bad news so that the good news seems better right? Good news- my macbook, iPad and iPhone are in working order in like new condition... the bad news is that it took 5 hours of my life I'll never get back and factory resets on all devices...so needless to say some of the pictures from this past weekend got lost so I don't really have any. So this post might be a bit ... boring ... but today I took the time to actually write out a meal plan for this week, I thought I'd share it with you!
7-8am: Breakfast- Eggs (egg white pancake or scrambled egg burrito)
10am: Preworkout Snack- UCAN
12-1pm: Lunch- ½ cup brown rice, ½ cup brussel sprout mix, ¼ cup shredded carrots, 1 chicken sausage & greek yogurt
3-4pm: Snack- Coffee Protein Smoothie (½ frozen banana, 1 scoop chocolate whey, 1 spoonful peanut butter, iced coffee, glutamine, spinach)
7pm: "Dinner" - QUEST Bar (at work)
7am: Breakfast- Muscle Milk & KIND Bar
10am: Snack- UCAN
12-1pm: Lunch- ½ cup brown rice, ½ cup brussel sprout mix, ¼ cup shredded carrots, 1 chicken sausage & greek yogurt
3-4pm: Snack- Coffee Protein Smoothie (½ frozen banana, 1 scoop chocolate whey, 1 spoonful peanut butter, iced coffee, glutamine, spinach)
7pm: "Dinner" - QUEST Bar (at work)
7-8am: Breakfast- Eggs (egg white pancake or scrambled egg burrito)
10am: Preworkout Snack- UCAN
12-1pm: Lunch- ½ cup brown rice, ½ cup brussel sprout mix, ¼ cup shredded carrots, 1 chicken sausage & greek yogurt
3-4pm: Snack- Coffee Protein Smoothie (½ frozen banana, 1 scoop chocolate whey, 1 spoonful peanut butter, iced coffee, glutamine, spinach)
7pm: Dinner - Greek Yogurt
7-8am: Pre Workout Breakfast- UCAN Bar
11am: Post Workout Oatmeal or Smoothie
12-1pm: Lunch- Brown Rice Wrap
3-4pm: Snack- Celery and Peanut Butter
7pm: Dinner- Eggs & Yogurt
7-8am: Pre Workout Breakfast- UCAN Bar
10am: Post Workout Oatmeal or Smoothie
12-1pm: Lunch- Brown Rice Wrap
3pm-4pm: KIND Bar
7-8pm: Wing It
7am: Breakfast- Muscle Milk & KIND Bar
10am: Snack- UCAN Bar
12-1pm: Lunch- Greek Yogurt
3pm: Snack- Turkey Jerky and Carrots
Dinner: Wing it
Have you taken a second to jot down your meal plan for the week? Hope you have a good one!
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