Happy Monday! Here we go again right? As usual it's been a busy morning for me already, the pup and I go on a 25 minute walk every morning to beat the heat outside. This morning though I was feeling especially sluggish given one too many glasses of wine last night. Let's back track again...
Spelt English Muffin, ¼ avocado, goat cheddar cheese, egg whites and ketchup... I see another one of these in my future this morning! Then I headed off to the gym to work/ get a workout in, so around 1130 I had a quest bar.
I wasn't really that hungry, but I knew I was going to workout and I HATE the feeling of working out hungry. Like the other day in Spin class, that was miserable, I'm not doing that again! My plan was to run and walk uphill a bit since it was LISS cardio day. However when I got upstairs I heard some awesome hip hop music playing from the group fitness studio. So I LOVE Zumba, but I'm also the pickiest Zumba class taker alive. I can only get into it if the instructor is super high energy, encourages the class to have fun and smile, and the music is hip hop based. That's exactly what was going on in this class, it looked like so much I couldn't help but jump in, so I ended up doing Zumba instead! Followed by 10 minutes in the Sauna and 15 minutes foam rolling on the power plate, I rushed home to make a goat greek yogurt fruit smoothie.
Which I had to add a ton of stevia drops and ¼ scoop of vanilla whey protein to knock down the sourness of it. Apparently goat yogurt is more sour than cow's? I also had a big spoonful of sunbutter before heading out to pick up Mr. Hungry from the airport. After that my eats for the day kind of took a turn in a less healthy direction. Like wine...
I like to put frozen fruit in my wine, like it's Sangria but not. Wine, chocolate, and In and Out... well that's not exactly on the meal plan. After nights like these I used to get really down on myself, but I've found that to be pointless. I believe you can have nights like that and still reach your goals, maybe not as quickly as someone who is stricter, but I want to live my life and that's how I coach my clients. 80-90% adherence and your gonna crush your goals an make more progress than you ever thought possible. Speaking of that here is the meal plan I've got in mind for this weeks meal/workout plan:
- BF: Egg Sandwich
- L: Chicken Salad (Life Cafe)
- D: Tuna Salad
- BF: French Toast Scramble
- L: Tuna Salad
- D: chicken sausage
- BF: Egg Sandwich
- L: Overnight Protein Oats
- D: Salmon Burger
- BF: Sweet Potato Protein Pancakes
- L: Smoothie
- D: Salmon Burger
- BF: Sweet Potato Protein Pancakes
- L: Wing It
- D: Wing It
- BF: Sweet Potato Protein Pancakes
- L: Cliff Builder Bar & Banana
- D: wing it/out?
- Quest Bars
- Muscle Milk Protein Shakes
- Turkey Jerky
- KIND Bars
- Banana and Sun Butter
This is pretty much going to be my schedule for the next month or so, I'm finding my groove making progress and have a routine, thank goodness! I do need to find a way to fit some Yoga in though!
- M- (Warm Up Rower or Run) BBG Week 4 Legs & Cardio
- T- LISS 40 minutes Stairmaster
- W- (Warm Up Rower or Run), BBG Week 4 Abs & Arms
- R- Spin
- F- (Warm Up Rower or Run), BBG Week 4 Total Body Circuit
- S- OFF
- S- Zumba, Sauna, Foam Roll
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