Hi, friends! I have another Guess What???? for you! I'm SOOOO excited to share my top-secret project from this summer finally! With all the stuff going on in the world, so many of you have asked me over email and Insta for a way to get back on track! So, I created this 30-day Healthy Weight Loss Plan and Cookbook with over 100 recipes focused on safe, effective, and healthy weight loss. It has full week by week meal plans AND grocery lists, and bonus recipes for when you finish the 30 days!
(Email readers click through to learn more about the book and about my small group nutrition coaching!)
The 30 Day Healthy Weight Loss Plan and Cookbook is available for pre-order now on Amazon and is released at the end of December! Woot woot! I can't wait to hear what you guys think!
And I have one more awesome announcement! In January, I'm going to take my FIRST EVER six-week small group coaching utilizing the book. We will all follow the book's meal plans together (I'll be adding some calories since preggo over here needs more calories), and there will be weekly group nutrition coaching sessions. As of right now, I think I'll open 15 spots. I want it to be big enough to run multiple times for the group coaching (so people can get on live) but small enough that it's closer to the one on one nutrition coaching I do with my clients.
I'll be sending out more information on how to sign up for the group coaching via email next week, so make sure you are on the list if you aren't already!
[…] Happy Friday, Friends! In case you missed it, I shared a BIG announcement this week! […]