Hello friends!
It's been a hot second since I checked in for a pregnancy update! Since I had my anatomy scan on Wednesday, I figured I'd check in!
Baby measures around the 70th percentile for size, so she is a little smaller than her brothers, who were 80th (KJ) and 90th (KK). But, unlike the boys, her due date is more of an estimate as my ovulation was late by at least a few days. So, who knows? In any case, I'm not holding my breath for an early baby, given that the boys were sooooooooo late with due dates that weren't questionable. haha
But let's back up. Initially, I felt HUGE at like 8-12 weeks, but then it was like my belly caught up with the week it was supposed to be. And I wasn't noticeably pregnant until around 19 weeks. Clothes also started fitting significantly differently etc. Also, around 19 weeks, I started dealing with more GI-related fun pregnancy symptoms like constipation and gas. I started back up on Natural Calm and prunes, which have helped! I've also had the occasional heartburn, mostly with burgers, but nothing terrible.
I tried several times from weeks 15 and 17 to get off the unisom, and it was a no go every time. Nausea hit hard on the days I didn't take it, and finally, around 17 weeks, I could live without it. I was glad to get off it because I felt like it was making me more tired. Fun fact, 17 weeks was about when I stopped taking it with KJ, but with KK, it was much earlier.
Since nausea let up, cravings have varied but not strong. I'm kind of back to the old pregnancy feeling of not exactly having cravings for something but eating what seems tolerable. Although, I do seem to gravitate heavily toward pasta and noodle-based dishes. I LOVE some Thai food, even if I have to tone down the spice in pregnancy, and I've been saving all kinds of creamy pasta dishes on Insta. I made alfredo at home with chickpea pasta for the first time, and now I will never buy store-bought alfredo sauce again. Who knew it was SOOOOOOO easy?
Drunken noodles are my fav though....
Around 17 weeks was also our trip to San Diego! Besides having a cold, I was feeling pretty good for the trip, which I was grateful for! There was one weird thing that happened on our drive. I was hunched over for an extended period studying for a hormone course I was taking. When I got up to go to the bathroom when we stopped for gas, I had a weird spasming in my abs, mostly by my sternum but extending down my abs. I had to lay down the rest of the drive to get it to go away. It didn't happen again until a few weeks later. Again I was sitting getting my hair done for a few hours, then went to Costco. Towards the end of my trip, I started to feel the pain that got worse fast. Long story short, I got my groceries out to the car but had to be rescued from the parking lot by my in-laws.
After that, I visited my chiropractor, who said it was a locked-up diaphragm, likely because my body is used to carrying my babies high and is just reverting to that. He prescribed some diaphragmatic breathing exercises, and I haven't had an issue since, but I also avoid sitting overly hunched over for an extended period of time, just in case. Recently in the last week or so, the umbilical hernia I got while delivering KJ has been acting up. I usually don't have too much of a problem with it, but with my stomach expanding, it's been unhappy. I took a break from working out and ordered a Beo Bei maternity band (recommendation from the umbilical hernia highlight on the Expecting and Empowered Instagram account @expectingandempowered). I've been wearing it for the last 48 hours, and I can't believe what a world of difference it's made. I'm honestly so surprised how it could make that big of a difference! I'm considering ordering a second one since I will probably wear it every day for the next four months.
I'm also scheduled to see my chiropractor and potentially my old pelvic physical therapist because I know I'm fighting a losing battle with all the pressure up against the hernia. And while I don't want to stop working out for the next four months (mainly for all the labor benefits), I know it's temporary, so we will see what happens there! Mainly because I've noticed any random SI joint pain I have improves with regular exercise. I've also had random round ligament pain, nothing too terrible, though! Most of my workouts are strength-based, about 2-4 workouts a week—almost no cardio other than walking the dog.
Around week 18, I started feeling the very occasional kicks. Like once every few days or less. With KJ, I had felt them SO strong, much earlier, like 12 weeks. It turns out, in addition to the baby girl being smaller than the boys, I also have an anterior placenta which was making it harder to feel her movements. (I also had this with KJ.) I was relieved everything was okay, and I started to feel her moving more like every day. It was so fun to see her on the screen at the ultrasound, but overall I'm glad it's over. I had a lot of anxiety about the anatomy scan, and I'm happy to have it behind me and finally celebrate being more than halfway done with pregnancy.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Although I'm incredibly grateful for it, pregnancy is not my jam. I know some women love it, but most of my friends hate it with a passion, and the only reason we tolerate it is because of the reward of a baby at the end. But in the face of a few friends miscarrying recently, I know how lucky I am to carry a healthy, happy baby. And while I'm highly grateful for that, it doesn't make it any less hard. Especially this time around, where my past pregnancies seem to be catching up with the tole on my body (aka the hernia.) Mr. Hungry keeps telling me to enjoy it since it's our last one, but I want to hurry up and get it over with, so I can enjoy the rest of my life. I've never once missed being pregnant, never. In fact, in the chaos of newborn life, I often remind myself how much better it is than being pregnant. Pregnancy is NOT my jam. Too many discomforts, and my anxiety is a level 15 out of 10. But knowing I'm over halfway there definitely helps, as does counseling.
And another thing I'm excited about is that I finally hired a doula! I didn't hire one for KJ because I wasn't that committed to an unmedicated birth. I didn't hire one for KK because I was maxed out on people allowed in the room due to covid restrictions. But now, after having relied on an angel nurse the last hour or so of KK's birth and knowing that I can have an unmedicated birth, I thought it would be worth it for this one to have some professional support. After interviewing several doulas and almost giving up on finding someone experienced with a personality to match mine, I finally found someone! She has 20+ years of experience and I felt instantly comfortable with her like I was able to be completely honest. I'm excited to have her on board.
Okay, with that, this update is over 1,000 words! I'll be sure to check in more frequently so that they don't get so long!
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