Happy Tuesday Everyone! I hope any Monday blues are being followed up with the tuesday groove. You know where you have accepted it's a work week and it isn't that bad... go by your favorite coffee shop or play your favorite music on the way to work with a happy heart? Be there people, it's only Tuesday. My Monday on the other hand started off kind of odd. I woke up bright and early at 4:45am to head to the gym for barbell but my foot was still bothering me. It is very weird because I only feel it when I put on my shoe like its bruised or something. I walked all the way up to the door and turned around because I just didn't want to chance anything before the race this weekend. I came home and got a pretty good workout though thanks to my pinterest workout board, I can feel my abs today that is for sure! I ended up doing the 9 minute plank workout (a personal favorite) with the best time I've ever done of 10:30 minutes (some day I'm gonna make it to 9 minutes... hey I use to cheat and still only be able to do it in around 12 minutes so I'm getting there!), 300 Abs Workout, and the an Arm Burner. In total I worked out for about 30 minutes, not the full hour I would have done in barbell but safer for my foot.
I followed my workout up with a pumpkin (kind of) green smoothie, I was so desperate to put some spinach in it I picked the spinach out of the spring mix we bought at Costco Sunday night. Paul watched in amazement... he is hardly ever speechless but I think I kind of stunned him this time in my desperation for spinach.
I got enough spinach leaves to make it green and made Paul speechless, Monday TOTAL SUCCESS!!!!
After that I did more grocery shopping then I ever care to do again. Don't get me wrong the grocery store is kind of relaxing for me, I love looking at new products and finding new recipe ideas. Aside from Hobby being my last name (for now), food is a very relaxing Hobby for me. However, more than one store at a time is overkill and stressful, thats just the way it is.
It started with Sunday nights quick Costco run.
(Yes that is the spring mix I picked the spinach out of.) Can I just tell you I had a proud parent moment at Costco with Paul (weird because he is my fiance but just roll with me a minute.) He is on a corn dog obsession at the moment, we go through a box of Trader Joe's turkey corn dogs each week. So, he HAD to look at the Costco box of 96 corn dogs. He pulled it out, turned over the label and READ IT. I would have been happy with that, but then he went a step further and interpreted it. Making comments like "thats kind of a lot of calories for one... well they are bigger so I could have two for dinner... whoa the sodium is really high.... but they are chicken..." If we had room in the tiny apartment freezer for them I would have actually let 96 corn dogs into my house just because of that, but we don't. It just reminded me that I do a lot of shoving nutrition down his throat (and other people sorry family and friends) but you never know by your example what people will pick up on without you telling them.
Thanks for letting me share that, now here is what I picked up at Sprouts.
I was super excited about the uncured chicken dogs, till I saw the same thing with more protein at TJ's for a dollar cheaper. Shopping Fail.
TJ's Groceries
Then Target for a new blow dryer and random other things, and meeting my mom for Lunch and then wedding planning. Then the day was already over and I spent FOUR hours baking three batches of Cinnamon Apple Quinoa Bars (which I pumpkinfied, recipe coming soon), prepping Spaghetti Squash for tonight, and making dinner. Whew, thats some crazy kitchen time, plus it looked like World War 4 after, but it was worth it for the ease of the rest of the week.
Shrimp Cauliflower Rice Stir Fry for dinner:
Thats it, off to tackle my to do list and four mile run (depending on what it feels like when I put on my shoe.) Have a good day!
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