Workout Recaps
- Friday - Workout 2 Week 1
- Saturday - 3.5 Mile Family Run with Nala
- Sunday - Rest
- Monday - Workout 1 Week 2 + 20 Minute Treadmill HIIT (20 minutes -1 minute sprint/ 1 minute recovery)
- Tuesday - Workout 2 Week 2 + 10 Minute 30 seconds hard/30 seconds easy on bike
I've had to do some modification like no upright row, but for the most part I'm following along. It's super basic but I'm challenging myself on the weights as the reps decrease each week. That part is really funt o see a big difference!
- Wednesday - 4 Mile Run with the pup
- Thursday- Rest
Plus a 2-3 mile walk every day except for the running days.
Today I'm hitting the gym in the AM so I won't have to worry if I'm recovered enough from the chiropractor/physical therapy to get a workout in later which means I've got to hit the road now!
My first favorite is this post by my friend Megan, who walks 9 miles in 90 minutes? Her and my MIL need to team up as the world's fasted walkers, Nala and I will run beside them! I had tons of fun seeing her the other day using my Elite Restuarant App to get one of our meals free!
The Elite Restaurant Club owner did email me to let me know that they will be removing Cucina Cucina from their list due to an increased amount construction in the area and new management, which is a bummer! Luckily they are always adding new restaurants so I can't wait to see what they add next! Anyways we had a great night which included vodka sodas and going to see 50 shades darker, and then this happened.....
While 50 was a big disappointment we had a blast and that is what matters!
Before I go, this week I wanted to share my favorite hair products. (Megan does always say my hair looks so good, which I love her for. Keep all friends that compliment you on a regular basis.) I just cleaned out my entire cabinet and parted ways with the "back ups" that I use but hate them and end up buying my favorites below anyways. With long bleached hair, I really notice a difference if I'm using my tried and true favorites or something else! (FY product links below are affiliate links)
Heat Protectant from Sallys Beauty Supply Store (they might be AZ only? Not sure!) - this stuff is cheap and works so well!
I never need dry shampoo until I grew out my hair and started curling it. Now that I'm not constantly trying to keep it straight I have a little wiggle room and can go without washing it for days as long as I have this stuff! (Note, I got this in a gift bag at blogfest but I would totally buy it when I run out!)
Recipe Round-Ups & Link Favorites!
- Vegetarian Pre-Workout Snacks via Shape
- High Protein Vegetarian Recipes via Shape
- High Protein Vegetarian Lunch Recipes via Shape
- Vegetarian Lunch Recipes via Nutrition A La Natalie
- Expect Your Best Guide What to eat before, during, and after pregnancy (written by an RD friend!)
Okay, now I'm off like speedy Gonzales to get a workout in! Have a great one!
Megan @ Skinny Fitalicious says
Aw thanks for the shout out! I need some of these hair products. My hair is always a nightmare which is probably why I do nothing with it. See you next Friday!!!
Susie @ Suzlyfe says
I said the same thing about Megan's MAD speed walking skills. WTF???