Happy Friday, friends! My family is in town so it's a busy weekend balancing work and spending time with them. A quick little update, apparently I'm terrible at anatomy. Apparently, what I perceived as my shoulder hurting was just my same old back injury manifesting itself in a new way. dun dun dun Last week I went into my chiropractor's office kind of pissed. I had rested my shoulder for two weeks, got a massage, and rolled it on all the ball a million times. Immediately, Dr.K started looking for some other cause, he started to suspect that it was not muscular because we would have worked that out by now. He switched his tactic to doing some DNS (Dynamic Neuromuscular Stability) work and found that it was my right QL (low back) referring pissing off the rest of my body. We started adding in some new stability functional work and all of a sudden I felt like a new person. It was super frustrating to me that I had to wait this long to figure it out, but he did bring up a good point I had only been in 4 times in 10 weeks. Well, that's because I was trying to save money and wean myself off needing constant chiropractic care. His point was that I'm highly active and struggle with some major imbalances, I will likely need more regular care than someone who isn't as active. I totally get that, but also sometimes get frustrated by it. I mean I'd rather pay him to keep me active and healthy for the next 20 years, then pay to be sick at the end, but still can be frustrating right? Anyways, after one session of changing up our strategy, I felt like a new person!
His prescription so far/ my assignments so far:
- 1 sided farmers carries
- resistance band pallof presses
- squat retraining - activation of pelvic floor at the bottom of the squat - this will help us move on to work on my tilt when I squat
- Deadbugs with tilted pelvis (lifting pelvis off the floor)
For those of you who are curious, I wrote a recap of how Dr.K finally helped me get out of back pain after two years of not being able to sit without pain. You can read that here.
So you will notice that is what I will be doing for the first circuit in most of my workouts! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Friday - Chiropractor
Saturday - I did this workout at home that I posted on Wednesday on IG and YouTube
Sunday: I did an interval workout that was 5 minutes of running, following by 1 set of upper body movements.
(that last one was killer but I was so proud I got through it! )
Monday - Chiropractor
3 Rounds:
- Left Side Farmers Carry
- Pallof Press 10 each side
- Squat and cable row
3 Rounds:
- 30 Walking Lunges
- 20 Plank Rows Total
- Lat Pull Down
- Tricep Curl to Bicep Curl slow activation
3 Rounds:
- Alternating double row (see workout above that was filmed) burn out
I did 3 on each side with 20 lb weights, then 4 on each side with 15lbs, 5 on each side with 12.5. and 6 on each side with 10lb weights, 7 on each side with 8.5lb weights - come on baby back muscles I want to see you!!!!
10-minute Stairmaster burn out 30 seconds at level 13/ 30 seconds at level 5 on repeat!
I was so happy to get some lifting in after that workout!
3 Rounds:
- Left Side Farmers Carry
- Pallof Press 10 each side
- Pull Up On Bar
3 Rounds:
- Pull Down Neutral
- Bulgarian Split Squat 10 on each leg
- Bulgarian Split Squat Jumps 10 on each leg
3 Rounds (45/15):
- Sumo Jumps
- Box Jumps
- Bench Taps
Thursday - Chiropractor
Nala and My Nephew
Favorite Links:
Recipe Round Ups:
- Coffee Drinks that Only Taste Indulgent via Shape
- 26 Healthy Cauliflower Rice Recipes via EA Stewart
- Healthy Snacks for Kids with Diabetes (or anyone) via Parenting Diabetes
Articles I Wrote on the Just A Pinch Blog:
- Many Uses of Coconut Oil
- Steps to Successfully Care for a Cast Iron Pan
- How to Convert Your Favorite Slow Cooker Recipes to a Pressure Cooker Recipe
What are your favorite things this Friday?
Carrie This Fit Chick says
Loving all the intervals and circuits!! That is my kind of style! Off to read some of those links!! Happy Friday!
Patrick@looneyforfood.com says
Loving your workouts these look amazing! I will be trying the treadmill/strength one. Looks awesome!
Patrick@looneyforfood.com says
And my favorite things this Friday is seeing the warm weather that everyone else seems to be enjoying. We are currently in the middle of another snow storm.
Megan @ Skinny Fitalicious says
Your nephew's gotten so big just since I saw him at Thanksgiving. Wow! Hope you're having a fun time with everyone in town.
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
can't wait to see you soon!
Susie @ Suzlyfe says
So glad that you have such a great doc! Seems like he isn't taking no for an answer, and that he has some innovative approaches. Isn't it amazing that one little change can make such a huge difference. I'm excited to see you progress!