Happy Friday friends! Hope you all had a great week! I felt like so incredibly behind all week I could barely hang on. After multiple weekends away and a lot going on around here, I'm definitely going to have to do a little work this weekend. No big deal though, I've had plenty of fun weekends it will be nice to be somewhat low key for a bit. Hope you guys have a fabulous weekend, don't forget to check back on Sunday for your weekly meal plan and Monday for a new one pan meal!
- Fri - San Francisco
- Sat - San Francisco
- Sun - San Francisco
- Mon - Chiropractor - so this is weird he said my hips rotated and so it felt like I need to stretch out my hip flexor but actually it was stuck in the stretched position. Isn't that weird, to help fix it he has me putting my left leg (the hip the hurt) up on a tall bench or chair and just breathing for 12 breaths. Works like a charm... bodies are weird.
- Tues - 3 mile run with puppas without my
- Wed - 4 rounds of 20 air squats, 20 banded touchdowns, 10 single leg squats on each side, 20 skaters, 30 abs (I changed the movement every time)
- I also did some planking which went okay. And I cried through the half the workout like the biggest baby in the whole damn world. why? Because I wanted to do push ups and lift weights, I know sad life right? #dramatic I was really frustrated and wasn't sure what to do first to "test" my shoulder out now that it's feeling better. Then, my wonderful husband reminded me, the end of the injury is WAY worse than the beginning. The closer you get to back to normal, the more you are so ready to get on it. It's not going to be a linear line back to normal, there will be ups and downs you've got to roll with it. He is amazing, thanks hubbs for the reminder! I felt a lot better after that!
- Thurs - off I was SUPER Sore! holy glutes!
Friday Favorites
What were your favorite things from the week? Here are some of mine!
I bought an instant pot, not sure if it's my favorite thing yet though. What do I do with it now??
My blog/RD friend qualified for Boston, so proud of her! How she did it!
Love to go hiking? Here are some of the health benefits!
My hubs sent me this story, said it made him tear up!
The best advice I've gotten in a long time.
Father's Day is coming up --> Forever 21: Free Shipping with Men's Purchase of $21+ (6/8-6/11)
Carly says
The Instant Pot is AMAZING. Seriously. Some of my favorites: buffalo chicken breasts, lentil soup, hard boiled eggs, homemade greek yogurt, salsa verde chicken, carnitas, beef stew, butter chicken, steel cut oats, pasta with turkey meat sauce,... basically anything you can do in the crockpot the instant pot does faster and it tastes WAY better and less one note!
Patrick@looneyforfood.com says
I haven't jumped on the instant pot train. Love my crockpot, which I use because I want something that cooks for a long time. That's tough about your shoulder.
Emily @ Pizza & Pull-ups says
The instant pot is awesome! I have only borrowed one a few times but meals come together so fast in it.
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
oh! what did you make?
Susie @ Suzlyfe says
SO many people are obsessed with their instant pots. I'm excited to see what you come up with!