100 of these posts? For real? I've never been great at keeping a series going but I've really enjoyed these Friday posts, and I think you guys do to because they are my highest traffic posts on Fridays. I feel like this is the time of the week that I can really just lay it all out there regardless of how the week went. Just like everyone else, sometimes I kill it when it comes to fitness and food. Other times, I don't do as well, but I share those because I don't believe you have to be perfect to be healthy and fit! Plus, I want to I also love sharing things that matter to me "my favorite stuff" that didn't make it in other posts during the week. So thanks for hanging around with me every Friday!
National Fitness Day Celebrations
Did you know Saturday is National Fitness Day? Perfect, it is an excellent motivator to make sure I get in a workout before I drown myself in chips, guac, and margs for Cinco De Drinko.
Speaking of that, don't forget about my round up here! If you are looking for healthier Cinco De Mayo recipes, check out this roundup! We decided on pork carnitas since we got a pork shoulder in our last Butcher Box, it's going to be epic!
I recently ordered this nursing sports bra off Amazon and liked it so much I ordered another one. I don't love the line that goes down the center because you can see it through shirts, but it's obvious it's part of the design of the bra, so it doesn't bother me. What I like is the durability, support, and the PRICE! Nursing sports bras are all around $50 bucks, but this one is around $20 a total score in my opinion!
You know I had to get on board with National Fitness Day! If you sign up for WTE? Meal Plans annual membership by 11:59 pm on May 4th, you'll get a 12-week workout guide for FREE! (This weeks meal plan below.)
These workout guides are written by my friend Brandon Day MS, CPT, CES and are worth $50 per program, and you'll get it FREE with your membership! That's like getting your meal plans for half the regular cost! Workouts are split into strength building days and fat blasting metabolic days so that you get results! Remember if you do random workouts, you'll get random results, this program builds on your skills and progress! Paired with the macro friendly, balanced meal plans you'll be unstoppable!
Butcher Box is also offering 2lbs of Wild Caught Alaskan Salmon for Saturday only! Use this link and enter the code FITNESS at checkout!
I love new toys, gym toys that is! We have a set of 15lb dumbbells and a set of 25lb dumbbells, but I felt like I couldn't progress without a set of 20lbs, so we finally ordered some. We looked on offer up forever, and we couldn't make it work with anyone, so we just ordered them off Amazon. Super happy we did!
Speaking of fitness, I hit it when it came to fitness this week! I really gave it my all, and that left me, well actually, left my hamstrings SO SORE. I can still feel the workout I did on Saturday, it was killer but GOOD! I started running on the treadmill on Wednesday, decided I was still too sore and opted to walk for 25 minutes instead.
I'm glad I waited because when I got off the treadmill from the walk, I was still SUPER SORE. I ended up doing the run I planned the next day (on Thursday), and I just felt so much better. I'm not interested in a hamstring tear, strain, or pull so I'm glad I waited. I ended up getting four workouts in, and they were all workouts I was damn proud of! 2 runs and two strength days, perfect in my book!
Friday (4/26)
400-meter repeats - 2-minute sprints with 1 minute walking x 7 rounds
Saturday (4/27) - Full body workout
5-minute row
4 Rounds:
- Single Leg RDL x 4 e/ (10#) - super light because I haven't done them postpartum
- Farmers Carries - one lab each side - #35KB
6 Rounds:
- 10 KB Swing (25#)
- 4 Renegade Rows to Burpee (30#)
- 6 OH Press (30 #)
4 Sets:
- 4 Hammer Curls (50#)
- 8 Rear delt raise (20#)
- 8 TC Extension (25#)
- 8 Shoulder T's (10#) - shoulder front raise to side and down
Sunday (4/28) - OFF
Monday (4/29) - Upper Body Workout
4 Rounds:
- 8 x Chest Press (40#)
- 40 Mtn Climbers
- 20 Pull Throughs or Up/Downs (Switched off each round)
- 6 Bicep Curls (40#)
- 8 EZ bar Row (#30)
- 20 pullovers (20#)
2 Rounds:
- 10 hanging knee raise
- 25 bicycles
- 10 sit-ups
Tuesday (4/30) - OFF
Wednesday (5/1) - 25-minute walk
Thursday (5/2) - 3.5-mile run (10 minutes at 6.5 miles x 3 rounds with 2-minute rest between rounds)
Rifat says