First of all, congrats to Bryan V. for winning the Slow Cooker giveaway! Enjoy your healthy easy meals all fall and winter long!
How was your guys week? Every day I wake up surprised and relieved to be still pregnant, but ansy to meet my hungry baby. It's a weird reality to be living in.
On the agenda for this weekend: do the rest of the "baby laundry," maybe set up the bouncer, and relax. Yep, I said relax. For the last few months, I've been working double time trying to get everything ready for when the baby comes, and now I can finally start to relax. Is everything done? HELL NO. BUT, I've got enough done that I can relax.
Planning to start going on walks again this weekend. My body is craving some movement, but on the flip side, it's still super hot outside. No, I never talked to my doctor about coming off modified bed rest, but I did speak to the office staff who said: "according to my chart it was probably okay." I'll still with short walks and some stretching until my appointment this week.
The only eating out we did this week was Smashburger, which was the first time I've willingly eaten there. I have to say I don't know why I waited so long it was a thousand times better than in and out, but In and Out still has better fries. And no... I didn't take a photo, sorry you'll have to find out for yourself!
Trader Joe's Pepita, Apricot, and Tahini Slaw kit - I think I might have mentioned this before, but it's worth mixing again since we've been enjoying it around here!
This humidifier I received on our baby registry has been saving me from headaches and pregnancy-related stuffiness. I've never used a humidifier before, but I'm so happy about this!
Don't judge me. But....... so far I've watched one episode of this dubbed over Spanish Netflix original, and I liked it. Okay, you can judge, I'm judging myself a little bit.
Around the web:
Are you getting enough of this overlooked nutrient?
Handheld sandwiches perfect for the game!
I loved this article and FB live from Emily - I'm not an Anti-Diet Dietitian #realtalk
Omega 3 Supplements may help with anxiety
This intimidates me, but some of you bloggers out there may like this GIF creation guide by Later
Gen Z taking over the food scene in the not too distant feature
Baked Pumpkin Protein Pancakes
10 x 10 Workout
Karly says
haha, I love the way you put it. Not everything's done but its enough!! Enjoy the rest, its time!
Ill be sorting everything from our shower last weekend. So much stuff that I wasn't expecting! But so grateful.