Giveaway Winner
Congrats to the Cold Brew Pitcher Giveaway Winner Kerry P!
I make my own coffee and take it to work. I also prep a large meal on Sunday to take for the first few days of the week. I buy discounted gift cards, in case I need to eat out during the week.
For this weekend - Healthy Summer Cookout Recipes
Healthy Summer Cookout Recipes
Speaking of this weekend, what are your plans? We made a ton of plans for the weekend which I'm excited about! Probably lots of eating out, which lately is my favorite because it means no cooking. My doctor said that for a lot of women food aversions go away at 20 weeks. So let's hope for that, in the meantime, I'll enjoy not cooking for myself.
Friday Fitness
I had some round ligament pain/pubic symphysis pain over the weekend, Fri - Sun. Turns out when I said it felt like my pelvis was being ripped apart, I guess it actually was. I managed to get a workout in on Monday, but then my shoulder went out. According to my chiropractor, like the ligament, I get to thank the hormone relaxin. So it hasn't been a great week on the workout front, but hopefully, next week goes better. Luckily I was still able to wake up somewhat early to walk Nala before it gets obnoxiously hot. I did get a pregnancy support belt and my chiropractor fixed my shoulder plus taped it.
- Thursday (5/25) - OFF
- Wednesday (5/24) - Trimotus
- Tuesday (5/23) - OFF
- Monday (5/22)
- Sunday (5/21) - OFF
- Saturday (5/20) - OFF
- Friday (5/19) - OFF
Food Favorites
More to report next week, since we are eating out so many meals this weekend! I'll share as many as I can next week.
Favorites of the Week
Um, I'm OBSESSED with the Big Bang Theory. Like binge watch central, I haven't been this into a show in a really long time. I bought the first two seasons off amazon prime video, but the third season was DOUBLE the price. So, Mr. Hungry bought me seasons 1-8 off offer up and I'm obsessed. Which is funny because I'm so not a TV person, but I'm literally watching it as I type this. I guess that's why it's still on TV 11 seasons later, it's hysterical.
Favorite links from this week:
5 Dinners From What to Eat? Meal Plans
20 Red, White, and Blue Sweet Treats
Healthy Recipes to Get Ready For Summer
Eggs for Dinner - 19 Delicious Dishes
Sarah @ Bucket List Tummy says
My advice wold be make a list of shows you want to watch now once baby comes - you'll spend alot of time on the couch 🙂
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
LOL I thought I about that but I'm already addicted to this one. Got any suggestions? BTW I read the rest of your birth story and forgot to comment, you are such a strong mama, you give me so much inspiration!
Megan @ Skinny Fitalicious says
OMG 20 weeks until they go away? I would feel so frustrated by that. Hang in there!
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
If they go away, another blogger friend told me they didn't' go away at all for her.
Brigid says
I've watched Big Bang from the beginning. At first my husband was wondering what the heck I was watching the show for and then he sat down and watched a couple episodes with me. We still laugh at Sheldon!
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Oh ya, Sheldon is HYSTERICAL - I was totally giving my husband crap because he likes to get to movies super early and whenever Sheldon does that we laugh. I'm on season four and I think I'm binge watching it so I can get back to when P and L get back together. I'm obsessed with them they are so cute.