Happy Friday, Friends!
First up, be sure to join me over on Instagram today on the @smoothiebox account! I'm taking over their stories for the day, and I'm pumped. I'd love it if you joined me over there!
What's on your weekend plans? Every so often, I set a weekend aside to get some new photography and video done. I find that bulk shooting and filming like this helps me reduce the work time on subsequent weekends, nights, and makes the weeks more organized. So that's on the docket in addition to usual weekend randomness.
No food favorites this week because I filmed a grocery haul of my Sprouts trip last week. One request I got on the Costco haul video was to share how I liked new products I bought or what I ate with the stuff. So I'm keeping track and will share in a separate post!
If you are a meal plan subscriber, your meal plan is in your inbox! Ready to sign up? Just $14.99 a month for a full meal prep guide and meal plan every week. Sign up here!
400 Starbucks Points Well Spent
This little cup keeps my coffee warm for hours. I LOVE IT! I'm so glad I saved all my points to get it and overpaid probably $100 dollars (when you translate points to money.)
Instagram Favorites
I reshared these two quotes/memes/whatever and got so many messages, apparently, you also relate. In case you missed it, I'm sharing it here!
New Nutrition Tip Video
I shared a new video this week on all social channels! A bunch of you liked this "mini" nutrition segment on Instagram (that's where I hang out and connect with everyone the most - @hungryhobbyRD) - should I do more of them? If so, leave me a comment or DM some segment ideas you might have!
I look lovely when I go to burn boot camp, as demonstrated by the no-makeup don't care photo below!
I went to see Dr. K this week for some shoulder stuff. It's no big deal, the right side of my body has as fit sometimes, and I haven't been managing it, just ignoring it till it was screaming at me. However, I was talking to him about how much better my body feels after having a baby.
I know that it isn't everyone's story, but for me, I saw significant improvements in my body after having a baby. Of course, the pregnancy was hard, and the recovery sucks. Still, the hormone changes during pregnancy, like extra progesterone and relaxin, helped my muscles in a way that I could have never imagined before. I'm very thankful for it.
PS did you know I have an HH Workouts Pinterest board where you can see all the workouts I've ever posted (in the last SIX years)?
Friday (1/31) - Burn Boot Camp - Biceps, Back & Burpees (forgot to take a photo)
Saturday (2/1) - Run - I was feeling a run, so Mr. Hungry watch little man while I jumped on the treadmill. - Tempo Toughness on Aaptiv
Sunday (2/2) - At home full body Aaptiv Workout - Four Big Circuits Workout
Monday (⅔) - OFF
Tuesday (2/4) - BBC - Upper Body
Each mini circuit was completed fully three times. Each exercise was completed for one minute, one minute, and 45 seconds.
Wednesday (⅖) - BBC - Lower Body - I'm still sore from this workout! You had 6 minutes at each station. I used a counterweight of #12lbs on my pistol squats to help me do them.
Thursday (2/6) - OFF
Friday Flashbacks
Heart-Shaped Frosted Flourless Thumbprint Cookies
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