I hope everyone had a nice weekend!
We went to the Easter Mass Vigil which was an incredibly moving experience because it reminded me that I have now been baptized for one full year! It’s crazy to me that I thought that day would never come and now its has been a whole year, I have no idea where the time goes!
When we got back from mass it was around 1130pm; we were starving so we pour ourselves bowls of cereal and popcorn and had a Parks and Recreation marathon which was AWESOME. The bachelor party episode is by far my favorite episode so far.
Easter Sunday we rounded up corn bread, carrot cake, beer, and headed over to Paul’s parents. Then we ran back home to get the Salmon that I forgot in the fridge, of course, right? After that 30 minute unplanned excursion we began the Easter fun! We don’t really have any kids in the family right now so no easter hunts or human size bunnies… it’s just hanging out, talking, and relaxing.
Oh and eating deviled egg hatchlings…
Carrots and Dip
Drinking the perfect Easter Sunday beer from Trader Joe’s! Seriously, I hate beer but I love THIS beer so much I had two! Trader Joe’s was using it as part of their demo and we were totally sold, plus it’s cool that It’s from a local brewery called San Tan Brewery,
I loaded up my plate!
After we let our tummies digest a bit it was time for dessert. I made a carrot cake and Paul’s sister made watermelon cupcakes with green frosting. I had a cupcake (no frosting) and a piece of carrot cake (extra frosting). I tried so hard to get a good picture of the carrot cake before we devoured it, but none really turned out. I really want to share the recipe soon though, I adapted it off of the back of the Bob Red Mill’s Whole Wheat Pastry Flour bag and it was DELICIOUS. Well, the second one was delicious, the first one that I forgot the baking powder in it was not so delicious. Baking marathons are always fun right?
It was a delicious and relaxing day, now its time to finish up getting ready for Monday!
leannenalani says
Looks like a good Easter - That beer looks like fun!
hungryhobby says
Thanks it was! Hope yours was good too!