Hello friends, I hope you had a wonderful holiday! As I'm writing this, it's the last day of 2021, so by the time you read this, it will probably be Happy New Year's. That's crazy. Happy New Year!
I wanted to pop in and share a bit about our Christmas break!
Our first Christmas with a fake Christmas tree, and it did not disappoint! Last year I finally convinced Mr. Hungry to get on the artificial Christmas tree train on black Friday, but we had already got a real one, so it mysteriously stayed in the box all year. I was happy to see how big and full and "real life" looking it was when we got it all set up. There are so many reasons I wanted a fake Christmas tree - not to have to spend 100$+ every year, not to vacuum up pine needles, and do not to have to deal with disposing of it as a fire hazard at the end of the year. But, Mr. Hungry was holding out on the real Christmas tree, so when I finally got him to agree, I purchased immediately so he couldn't change his mind. It turns out he loved the tree this year too! So much less mess!
But, let's back up! On Christmas Eve, my mom came over after the kids went to bed to go to the 8:30 PM mass. We felt terrible not bringing the kids, but it was nice to go to a less busy mass and enjoy ourselves. (If you take little kids to church weekly or really ever, you know what I mean. We figured this was the last year we could get away with it as they would be too little to know what they missed!)
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It was a lovely mass! And the following day (aka Christmas) didn't come too early, around 5:45 AM, haha.
This was the first year KJ understood Christmas, and he had a blast tearing open his presents!
KK didn't know what was happening, but he sure loved all the action and his new Christmas pajamas.
Trying to get a family photo on Christmas be like.....
For breakfast, we made chorizo breakfast burritos (without cheese for me).
The day after Christmas was Sunday which means we went to mass at 7 AM!
Then we headed back to Mr. Hungry's parent's house for dairy-free biscuits and gravy!
This week was also full of lots of fun and first. Like KK's first time swinging at the park!
And the kids' first time at Zoo Lights!
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And our little marshmallow did a great job staying up way past his bedtime!
Oh, and this happened.
Mr. Hungry is now the proud owner of a new truck. After driving a 2005 Acura with windows that didn't work, a slit in the leather seat, faded paint, and nothing working on the digital center console for five years, to say he is ecstatic is an understatement. I'm so proud of him and happy for him! Obviously KJ is a fan too!
On the last day of 2021, I went on a run with my favorite girl. After being sick then several weeks of feeling way over 30 (shoulder injury, back injury, hernia flare-up), it felt good to get out in the nice weather for a run with my favorite running buddy!
Happy New Year's friends! Be back next week with lots of new content based on your survey responses!
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