Hi, Friends! Happy Hump Day! Sorry no, post this morning my site was down and not connecting. Instead of freaking out about it, I just let it be and hoped it would be back up later without me doing anything about it. It did come up about five minutes before I had to leave, so I decided to enjoy my two ingredient egg white pancake topped with (affiliate link--> coconut peanut butter instead of rushing to finish a post.
(Photo updated 2/10/17)
The topic for this morning was supposed to be "cheat meals." I get asked about "cheat meals" SO often, especially in the context of weight loss. Do be honest; the terminology just doesn't fit into my vocabulary anymore. It used to be a big deal when I was counting calories, but nowadays it just isn't. Cheat meals used to be about "blowing my calorie budget" and going all out till I couldn't breathe I was so full. Yep, it happens, even to RD's (granted that was before I was a Dietitian, but still I've been there.) It's just what happens when you inflict a cycle of deprivation and indulgence on yourself.
Instead, I like a nice ebb and flow to my week and day. About 90% of the time I make my meals full of nonstarchy vegetables, high-quality proteins, healthy carbohydrates, and healthy fats. These foods are incredibly satisfying, tasty and I look forward to them. (Read peanut butter, almond butter, avocado, eggs, cheese are all regular parts of my diet.) So I hardly ever feel "restricted." Since limiting cardio activity last month and this month to deal with my injury, I've tried to be a bit more "careful" to match my daily need by limiting excess snacks and paying attention to my hunger cues. By Friday or Saturday, I'm ready for a glass of wine, a slice of thin crust pizza, chipotle salad, protein style in and out; you name it. That's life right? I don't need to worry too much about it because these little indulgences are a drop in the bucket compared to what I do consistently throughout the week. I think because I give myself so many things that I love on a regular basis I don't crave really "unhealthy" processed foods. Stress might increase a craving for froyo, dark chocolate or a cookie but it's not insane. (Plus, I have a ton of healthier cookie recipes I can make!) I think that if you are training for something like a bodybuilding show or have specific goals in mind, then a cheat meal may be a vital part of your plan. However, if your down the path of healthy living and general weight loss, then the most important thing is to change your mindset that all foods fit in just some should make an appearance on a more regular basis than others.
I will also add there was a time when I was VERY low carbohydrate and/or low calorie that I craved unhealthy calorie dense foods all the time. It's important, even in weight loss to eat enough calories and if you are working out, enough carbohydrates. (Read Why 1200 Calories is not enough.) Think about it this way, the quicker you lose weight the faster you will put it back on. The slower you lose weight the longer you will be able to maintain it and the more likely your body is to accept a new lower "set point." The slower you lose weight the more room you have in your diet for pizza, burgers, fries etc.
On a side note, the pain doc gave me Celebrex, a potent anti-inflammatory. Since getting kicked out of PT, I'm working with a trainer at the gym while the meds do their job and come things down a bit. The man dug his hands into my sides today which were insanely tight; it was so weird after he did that it felt like I could breathe better! I'll be sure to report back my workouts, wish me luck! Be back tomorrow morning 🙂
What do you think? Do you have cheat meals?
[…] Why I Don’t Use The Words “Cheat Meals” […]