Wedding Cake Tasting! Jonsie LOVES boxes... Grilling for Paul's Dads Birthday! Paul's sisters made...... Oreo Peanut Butter Brownie Cupcakes (for Paul's Dad's Birthday!) Malbec 🙂
7/7-7/13 Workouts and Meal Plan
This Week's Menu Ideas: In my opinion menu planning is one of the best things you can do to help ensure you will make healthy choices throughout the week. Sometimes I plan my menu out for the week for every single meal (like I did last week.) I do this for various different reasons, but […]
Friday Focus On Red Meat
HAPPY FRIDAY! I thought it would be fun if on Fridays I did a series of "Focus On" posts. While today's post is on red meat, other ideas I have include other food groups, different diets (paleo, Atkins/south beach, vegan/vegetarian, etc.) carbohydrates, fats, and proteins and more. If you have any suggestions please leave a […]
4th of July Recap
Fourth of July Photo Recap Paul was cleaning his new golf clubs when I finally made it outside Like my festive suit? It's super old (like freshman year of college old), but I couldn't resist! Max and Paul's parents relaxing in the pool After a tiring game of horse and pool basketball the guys are […]
Happy Independence Day!
Thank you to all the servicemen and women who make our freedom possible. People get so freaking creative with Fourth of July I can't believe it! Seriously where does it come from? Here are some of my favorites from around the web (okay mostly pinterest): Berry Quinoa Salad (quick and easy last minute recipe to […]
Quick and Easy Breakfast and Tips on Building a Salad at a Salad Bar
This morning was a quick and easy breakfast that I half ate on the way to the hospital. I made an apple-almond butter breakfast wrap using la tortilla factory tortillas. The picture shows the 6 inch tortillas that I used this morning, they also make bigger ones for 80 calories, 8 grams of protein, and […]
Birthday Dinner and the 80/20 rule
My "Ex" Roomies (and two of my best friends Jenny & Amy) from LLU met up in Palm Springs for my birthday dinner! I miss those girls! (Sorry no picture of all of us, we couldn't manage to get a good one) I made reservations, which was completely unnecessary because no one wants to visit […]
Look what was up this morning and I totally missed it!!! My roommates are amazing! I'm so blessed and happy to be sharing the summer with them! This morning started with using my well deserved and earned free birthday starbucks. Hello skinny cinnamon dolce latte and spinach feta breakfast wrap. mmmmmmmmmmmm 🙂 The cinnamon really […]
Est. 1988, Heathified Mexican Food and a Treadmill Workout! Wahoo!
Good Morning Everyone! ESTABLISHED 1988 Happy Birthday to ME, happy birthday to ME, happy birthday dear MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE... happy birthday to ME! I really really really really really really like birthdays!!!!! What other day do you get to celebrate the life God gad you for all it's beauty? None. Exactly! image source image source Huh? LOL […]
Breakfast at Einstein's Bros, Lunch and iPhone Decisions
This morning started off right with a 100% honey whole wheat bagel with a light amount of reduced fat - light "schmear" and a vanilla hazelnut coffee (black). If you haven't smelled that coffee it is seriously amazing... everyone I work with was raving about how good it smells! Check out the nutrition stats on […]
Einsteins Coupons and Week's Meal Plan (7/1)
Signed up for Einstein Bro Bagel's emailer and got free coupons! It's one of my favorite restaurants that I consider a special treat since there are a whole bunch in Phoenix, but there was none near me in California. When I found out there was one at the hospital where I would be doing my […]
This Weeks Workouts and Workout Planning
"The workout that is the most effective is the one you want to do the least." A friend told me this once and I always remember it when I'm in the middle of a workout I just want to quit, or I'm dreading a workout (rarely anymore but use to happen a lot). The workout […]
Weekend Photos
Introducing Presley Introducing Sam Not a good time to get lost in the desert for 30 minutes.... Birthday Dinner with the new roomies at Aqua Plazza- No Birthday is complete without cake, can you guess where we got this bad boy from? Isn't this beautiful? Oil(less) french fries using the Actifry, I immediately added this […]
EMC New Resident Ice Cream Social and Best Buy Trade In
I started off today with another French Toast Breakfast Scramble which was the second half of the batch I made Wednesday night, topped with almond butter, cinnamon and raisins of course 😉 I didn't feel quite satisfied so I cut an apple in half and ate that too on the way to the hospital. Today […]
Fun Fitness Survey
Hi Everyone, Many of my favorite blogs, (especially Julie's at PB Fingers) are posting this survey, I thought it would be a great way to introduce myself so here it goes! 1. What did you eat for breakfast? French Toast Scramble that I made the night before, from one of my favorite bloggers at CNC […]
"Those who thin...
"Those who think they have no time for healthy eating, will sooner or later have to find time for illness."—modified from Edward Stanley (1826-1893) from The Conduct of Life Hello to the blogging world, I've been thinking about joining you for a long time now, I can't believe I'm finally here. I wanted to start by […]