I officially have a new PDR this week! As the weeks go on my long runs will actually be all PDR's so that is kind of exciting!
Today was my first official day LIVING in Phoenix after being gone for over two years! Plus, I haven't ever lived in the part of Phoenix we moved into so this mornings run was kind of exploration. At first, I had lots of little jack rabbit friends to keep me company. Can you find him?
I also discovered this really pretty and cool memorial at a community center. After I snapped the picture I noticed they were setting up for a farmers market, I hope that is a regular weekly thing!
My pace this morning was not stellar, but I was happy with it. Instead of feeling like this whole ½ marathon thing was a TOTAL mistake, I throughly enjoyed my run and that fact alone was well worth it. I know that speed on longer runs takes time to build, so I'll be patient 🙂
1mi- 11:46
2mi- 10:45
3mi- 10:39
4mi- 10:24
5mi- 11:00
6mi- 11:26--> hello unexpected hill
7mi- 11:00
Total Time 1:17:01, Average Pace 11:00/mi
As far as this weeks workouts go, I'll be going out of town for my bachelorette party so I'll have to switch things up a little bit from part one of my ½ marathon training plan. Plus, we may be joining a new gym so I might want to try some of their classes. Here is what I'm tentatively planning:
Sunday - 7 Miles
Monday - 3 Miles/ST
Tuesday - Yoga/ OFF
Wednesday- CT/ST or 3 miles/ST
Thursday- CT/ST
Friday- 4 Miles
Saturday- OFF/Out of Town
I also need to come up with the next four week segment of my training plan for next week. I think I may switch it up and do some weeks three running days and some four. That way some weeks I can fit in more strength training.
My goal this week is to be more diligent about the timing of my protein intake post workout. The most effective time for muscle recovery/growth is within 30 minutes of your workout. So, this morning when I got home from my run I immediately made a protein shake to sip on while I stretched out.
A little while later I made a delicious but ugly egg sandwich from one piece of bread, one slice of pepperjack cheese, and one fried egg (it was seriously slim pickings in the fridge). I didn't snap a picture but it was pretty similar to this one I found in my pictures (minus the carrots).
After church I enjoyed a salad with grilled chicken, artichokes, and tomatoes with my future mother in law, before I went Costco Shopping (can't go there hungry!)
Paul is at his bachelor party this weekend so I've been unpacking and shopping like crazy trying to get everything set up before he gets back tomorrow night! I have an idea in my head of our meals this week but haven't come up with a solid plan yet. I think this week I should go easy on myself. Considering I'm use to eating spoonfuls of almond butter for dinner with eggs, I think I will be doing well if I get real meals on the table most nights this week. Start with simple achievable goals and work your way up right? Rome wasn't built in a day!
Hope everyone has a fantastic long weekend! Would love to hear about any special plans people have!
Interesting Links:
Foods that Can Fix Your Health Problems (www.cnn.com)
Don't Wash Raw Poultry Before Cooking (www.kdvr.com)
Portion Control in the Palm of Your Hand- Cheat Sheet (www.skinnykitchen.com)
nancy@skinnykitchen.com says
Thanks so much for sharing the potion control cheat sheet link.
With my very best wishes,