With the New Year, I feel like it's time to do a little update on all the things I've been working on and I've got planned. I've launched several facets of Hungry Hobby RD, almost silently over the last few months, so it's time to give you wonderful friends snippets of the options currently available. I'm super excited about every single one of these options as I've worked hard to revamp them and make them the best for my clients possible. I was going to wait till I got new photos at the end of the month, but I know many of you are looking for these options now. Whether you are thinking about investing in nutrition counseling for yourself (and/or your family), corporate wellness for your business, or you are a trainer looking to provide better nutrition information to your clients, I've developed something for you! So I'll just update the photos later, please disregard 2013 Kelli with blinds in the background and a weird smile.
Private Nutrition Counseling
In my personal nutrition counseling, I'm narrowing my focus just a little bit so that I can provide the most help to the people that will benefit the most.
Food Sensitivity Testing
I've written several posts about GI health, but never fully announced the option on my website. I am excited to say that I have been offering LEAP/MRT testing for the past six months and have gotten phenomenal results with my clients, especially in the cases of IBS, Migraines, and Fibromyalgia. I'm very excited to be offering this program. For more information, you can read why I don't recommend elimination diets and check out the videos on Hungry Hobby RD.
Sports Nutrition Counseling
I've found athletes are the most dedicated of my clients and their needs differed vastly from those of my other clients. Fueling for sports performance is an entirely different beast, so I now have the ability to help you treat it as such! More direction, tons of support, fewer time requirements than standard nutrition counseling. I work with clients of all ages and all sports, I have high school clients and a pro clients. If you want to see what my packages look like check out the information below and you can always drop me an email to let me know what your needs are as well.
Sports Nutrition Counseling Page Information
Holistic Nutrition Counseling
With my clients, I prefer to take a look at their whole health to improve things from the inside out. In other words, we use the right combination of supplements, nutrition guidelines, intuitive eating, and fitness to promote hormone balance, fight inflammation, and increase energy levels. I currently have one, three, or six month packages available. All packages include meal plans, enrollment in my 52 healthy habits course, and more!
Nutrition Counseling Information
Corporate Wellness Programs
I am SUPER excited about finally launching my corporate wellness programs on my nutrition services site. This has been an idea that I've had brewing for quite some time, mainly, since before I became an RD! I always knew that I wanted to work with businesses to help them lower health care costs by taking care of their employees. You are probably at your job more than you are at your house, having support through work is critical to your success. I knew this was an area that I wanted to pursue, so I completed my community internship at the University of California Riverside in their corporate wellness department. I loved the internship and their dedication to bringing wellness to employees. However, I realized how hard it is to get people engaged in the workplace. While support might be critical in the workplace, all employees require different kinds of support. Many companies fall back on weight loss challenges as their go to, which isn't relevant to everyone and can encourage some unhealthy habits in the long run. You know you've gotten one of those "sign up for the blank challenge and win a water bottle email." DELETE. My Father in Law told me that his work did that, and instead, he and his buddies did their challenge on the side. That made me sad for their program coordinator, but unfortunately, it's common for workplace wellness programs. That is why I developed my Healthy Habits Success Program, which encompasses options for any size business to make their investment in wellness count.
Weekly Wellness Newsletter
52 Week Healthy Habits E-Course for Businesses - some employees don't want to go to wellness meetings, for whatever reason, they just won't ever participate in that way, but that doesn't mean they don't want the information. Think of this course as your weekly wellness email to all your employees. It sends usable wellness information, mostly focused on nutrition, every week for one year. They also get the tracker they can print out and keep at their desk to help them stay on track. I've created the option to have your employees added to my list for a discounted cost per person OR you can buy the rights to the program, and I can help you brand it as well as implement it into your automated email system.
Healthy Habit Challenges
This program can be facilitated in person (if local) or via Skype. It is 12 weeks long and focuses on essential healthy habits that will lead to optimal health. While the challenge is NOT weight loss focused, it does concentrate on the practices that are most crucial to weight loss success. Includes a weekly wellness challenge and can be adapted as needed to fit group sizes.
Corporate Wellness Support Information and Pricing
Personal Trainer & Fitness Facility Support
I've been a personal trainer for a little over a year now and worked in the fitness industry for over two years now. Those of you that are in that space know that nutrition information is everywhere and nowhere at the same time. I see so many great things happening, some okay things (IIFYM), and some horrendous things (drink this cleanse, don't eat, etc.) The truth is, I know from experience how hard it is to stay on top of your client's nutrition. I figure if it was hard for me to stay on top of it when I was training, it has to be hard for others. I mean, I'm a Dietitian, you think it would be no problem. However, it isn't easy at all. You are trying to make the workout experience fun and rewarding, while hammering them about their water consumption, protein intake, and whatever else. Some of your clients may not even know where to start, so you sign them up for My Fitness Pal and make them bring their print outs. While it's a good start, most people need so much more support than that. As your schedule fills, you have less time to check on every single one of them, but it's a delicate balancing act because you know nutrition is crucial to their results, regardless of how awesome a trainer you are. This is why I've developed several options to help support you and your clients because I know what it's like! So many of you out there want to change your client's lifestyles, not just give them a meal plan that will lead to only temporary success. That's why I've created several options to help support you:
Weekly Nutrition Tips -
- Similar to the business focus above, this series sends an automated email series to each client. Since clients sign up for different durations, we can work together to find the optimal length of time for your business. Similar to above you can add your clients to my list for a discounted rate, OR I can help you set up your branded emails. Yep, you get nutrition content developed by an RD which you can pass off as your own!
Lean Habits Weekly Meetings -
- If you are a fitness facility, you may want to run an in-person program. My 12-week program will solidify your client's nutrition plan, build community, and increase results among your members as they learn and compete together.
Nutrition Coaching Referral Program -
- If you have clients who you suspect hormonal imbalances, GI disturbances, or very unstable relationship with food you may think they would benefit the most from one on one nutrition therapy. Trusting me with your clients is a big deal, and I take it very seriously. Not only will I send you back 25% of the first package they purchase but I will also schedule quick follow-ups with you after every appointment with them to discuss their goals. This ensures that our communication is open, our approach is unified, and your client gets the best results meaning they love you and keep returning for more workouts!
Fitness Facility Support and Pricing Information
So there you go! Something for everyone!!! Of course, I always have my brand representation services, for businesses interested in nutrition consulting and communications services. Find out more on my press page. Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions otherwise see ya Monday with another one pan meal ( we are two weeks in and I'm LOVING this series!)
Susie @ SuzLyfe says
Girl you are such. a. boss. You are going to take over the world.