My days are scattered, hectic, and no two days are ever the same. It seems like no matter what time I work out during the day I'm always running in and out of the workout. Now that it's cooler outside it's a little easier to skip the full-on post shower workout routine saving me the much needed time to get on with the rest of my day. I don't really carry a standard gym bag anymore, too much to keep track of. Whenever I start swapping bags I'm always missing something ya know? Instead, I keep a little mini make up bag with the essentials in my purse.
I was super excited when the Cottonelle® with CleanRipple® Texture kit showed up at my house! I knew it was going to be the perfect thing to help me get away with not showering post workout. Plus the travel size is perfect to keep with you anytime. Having a supply on you at all times might be a good idea because Cottonelle® with CleanRipple® Texture is designed to clean better, so you’re clean & confident enough to go commando. That's right, commando!
Let’s face it, underwear is the last thing you need standing in the way of setting a new personal record or nailing a handstand push up. Cottonelle® with CleanRipple® Texture keeps you clean so you can feel confident enough to go for your fitness goals. The first day I tested these wipes out I did the following 20 minute AMRAP (as many rounds as possible), which was killer. I used them pre and post workout, and despite becoming a sweaty mess, I felt confident to tackle the workout and the rest of my day. When you get to the end skip the set of single arm thrusters so you don't end up doing only one side. I got through 5 rounds (minus thrusters on the last round).
One thing I love about strength training is the ability to see just a little bit of progress with every workout. There was a time when I couldn't jump to the medium size box, I couldn't squat properly, and I definitely couldn't lift my feet to the bar. I don't want anything to get in the way of achieving little goals with every workout! Being prepared pre workout and post workout is one way I ensure I keep making progress! That way I'm not concerned when my bum is in the air mid toes to bar!
In honor of Wanderlust 108 Festival in Miami sponsored by Cottonelle® they are providing a free fresh and clean kit giveaway so you can load up your gym bag (or purse) with the essentials.
Giveaway Entry Details:
The Cottonelle® "Fitness Must Haves" Reader Giveaway ("Sweepstakes") starts at 12:01 a.m. EST on October 17, 2016 and ends at 11:59 p.m. on October 28, 2016 (the "Entry Period")
Up to 20 Cottonelle® Fitness Must Haves Kit ($50 ARV)
Each kit will include a selection of fabulous fitness "must haves” -- Cottonelle® Flushable Cleansing Cloths with CleanRipple® Texture, mascara, lip gloss, dry shampoo, extra hair ties and a plain, black basketball cap.
The Wanderlust 108 Festival located in Miami is a field day for your mind, body and soul. Featuring a 5k run, yoga, and meditation, our focus is on community, not competition. You can’t beat that. If you are local, definitely check it out!
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of CLEVER and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.
Patricia @Sweet and Strong says
On the weekends I am always running errands after my workouts so I love having something I can use to freshen up with. I love that workout too, might need to give it a try next week.
Megan @ Skinny Fitalicious says
You go with your bad self! Can you teach me how to walk? LOL
Sarah @ The Fit Niche says
Woah toes to bar are sooo hard!