Yesterday Randomness
Hello Friends! Sorry this post is going up a bit later than usual. Yesterday was one of those days where I furiously worked, made a dent, but just knew that everything I wanted to get done wasn’t going to get done. Mostly because my domain email stopped forwarding to my Gmail on June 28th which means I had to play epic email catch up. So that meant typing today’s post had to wait until this morning along with other important tasks! Other than the email fiasco it wasn’t an exceptionally exciting day, except I did bring back the two ingredient pancake for breakfast topped with sun butter - messy and delicious! (still rocking the 4th of July party gear at my house)
An epic relatively low impact but super sweaty unilateral workout that I decided to make into a pretty pinable image for y’all!
After the weekend festivities I still didn’t have a bunch of jumping in me, so this was the super sweaty workout that kicked my butt without all the high intensity jumping! PS I’m loving this workout top I got from target! It’s so comfy, I totally wear it as a regular shirt too!
and a post workout delicious steak salad for lunch with mango dressing and tomatoes!
Dinner was part yogurt and later a bean dip stuffed quesadilla, but I was too hungry/lazy to take a picture!
Hungry Hobby Giveaway Winners
Sarah won a $15 dollar gift card to Starbucks “I like health tips and personal day in the life posts I would love a Starbucks gift card, those always come in handy!”
Sarah @ Bucketlist Tummy won $15 dollar gift card to TJ’s "Trader Joe’s definitely – must be an RD thing! I really enjoy your nutrition education posts (pre/probiotics) and your 52 weeks, with how you focus on different things. I definitely look up to you in the RD blogging world, it’s fun to see what you’ve learned and what you started from. Thanks for this giveaway and happy blogiversary!”
Melanie won $15 to Starbucks "I am dying to go to Trader Joes because everyone seems to love it, but they don’t have one where I live, so I’m going to have to say Starbucks! I really enjoy your healthy habits series. You always share such well-researched information in an easy-to-read way!”
Be sure to email me your contact information at kelli(at)hungry hobby(dot)net to claim your gift card!
Let’s be honest, pinterest gives google a run for its money any day. How many times have you search for something only to get lost in pinterest land. Happens to me multiple times a week. Lately, I’ve been bypassing google and just heading straight to go to boards that I know and love. I thought I’d share a few of my favorites with you guys for happy pinning!
My favorite group boards:
Inspiring Gluten Free Vegan Recipes - emphasis on recipes made with whole foods and minimal sugar.
Food Blogger [Gluten Free] - if you are looking for gluten-free recipes this board has over 3 thousand pins and 60 pinners constantly adding new recipes!
Recipe ReDux Board - this board is for all the bloggers that participate in the monthly Recipe Redux challenge and sponsored contests. If you are looking for healthy twist on classic dishes or brand new healthy recipes definitely check out this board!
A Permanent Health Kick! - over 300 hundred pinners contributing to topics including health, fitness and recipes!
Put It In A Crockpot - over 600 pins of one step recipes!
Seasonal Fruit & Veggie Love - currently pinning summer produce and will change as the year goes on!
Low FODMAP Recipes - for those currently following a low FODMAP diet - almost 1000 recipes!
Travel Inspiration - I could seriously get lost in this board for hours.
All Things Peanut Butter hosted by Kaila at the Healthy Helper Blog - peanut butter. explanation finished.
My favorite Hungry Hobby boards:
Stack, Drizzle, and Eat - I’ve often referred back to this board for pancake inspiration when the craving strikes!
Eggalicious Meals - because the day isn’t complete without eggs.
Healthier Desserts- where I hoard all desserts with clean ingredients or lower sugar, because sweet cravings = #reallife
Circuit & Strength Workouts - I’ve been known to do one of these workouts straight off the pinterest ap!
Favorite Boards & Accounts :
Healthy Aperture - if you are looking for healthy food porn you need to be following this account. All the pins in this account will leaving you drooling craving foods that are actually good for you!
Low Calorie Recipes - created by my friend Megan at Skinny Fitalicious who has lost 80lbs and kept it off, she is the queen of lightening up your favorite foods! She makes and finds the BEST recipes!
Fresh Fit and Healthy - this girl has a page just for her blog, I wasn’t going to include these types of boards in todays post but I couldn’t resist adding hers. I love this board because it makes me thing “hey I can do that” which is half the battle of eating healthy!
Gluten Free Board by Food, Fitness, and Faith - 1.2K pins of only gluten free recipes!
Clean Eating Recipes - from Tasting Page —> Dairy, Gluten and Processed ingredients free!
Healthy Fitness Recipes - over 2 thousand pins and 11 thousand followers this board is packed with delicious healthy recipes to support your fit and active lifestyle!
LEAP MRT Recipes & Emily Fonnesbeck RD Boards - recipes using only ingredients tested on a MRT Food sensitivity test, for those following the LEAP program.
Breakfast Recipes - via Diehard Foodie - After reading several of her WIAW posts I think she is my food twin, especially when it comes to her breakfast recipes!
Running Quotes by Fuel - running humor and motivation!
EA-The Spicy RD says
Love this idea for a post! Thanks so much for sharing my Low FODMAP & Seasonal Fruit and Veggie Boards! Now I have a lot of new boards to check out too~Love Pinterest!
linda spiker says
Pinterest is a favorite social media for me and such a great tool for healthier living!
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Me too!!! What's your favorite board? Feel free to include it!
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Your welcome!
Krista Williams says
yessss! I love all these group boards. SO DOPE! I am new to pinterest but excited to get to know what I am doing way way more!
Thank you so much for sharing this!
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Definitely check out tailwind - after using it I'm like oooohhhhh now I get how this works!
Emily Kyle says
That steak salad looks amazing, and I am loving all of these awesome pinterest boards! I use tailwind too, and it took me awhile, but I finally get it and love it! Most everything gets pinned to my favorite nutrition board - Delicious & Nutritious Food!
The Food Hunter says
what a great post...not sure I have a favorite board yet.
Emily @ Recipes to Nourish says
So many cool boards. I love Pinterest!
Sarah says
Pinterest is just so addicting, and I love it 😉 I can't believe I won! I never win things like this LOL, thank you!
Anya says
Love all these resources. Thanks for this information.
Laurina Roo @sweetenedbyplants says
Oh I love pinterest too! But just like you say... I find myself getting lost in all the beautiful creations! I just love finding healthy recipes and you've inspired me to check out a few new boards! Thanks Kelli!
Jessica @ Nutritioulicious says
Great boards here! I also love the seasonal fruit & veggie board and The Recipe ReDux. Some of my other fave boards are Easy Weeknight Dinners, Quick Weeknight Dinners, and my Healthy Kids, Healthy Families Board
Shannon @ KISS in the Kitchen says
Hi Kelli! This is such an awesome post and I love the boards you chose. I really like my Sassy Salads board ( and also Homemade Nutrition's board ( Hope you've had an awesome weekend!