Good morning, right now I'm sitting here finishing up this post noshing on a piece of Daves Killer Bread and Wild Friends PB mustering up the energy for today's run. My hamstrings are still super sore for Wednesday's workout, but I know once I get out there they will shake out a bit. My hamstrings are still super sore from Wednesday's workout, but I know once I get out there they will shake out a bit.
So here is the thing, I am somewhat of a high maintenance runner. I miss the days when I used to lace up my shoes and head out the door because I didn't know any better. Now that I do know better I know that I have very little flexion in my ankle, thanks to Dr. K. Basically, it's hard for my foot to make a 90-degree ankle with my calf. Most people can go beyond a 90-degree angle no problem. I also have a "short leg" it's about a ⅛ of inch difference but the minute we put a lift in the short legs shoe, my SI pain on the opposite side totally went away, something I had been dealing with for two years.
So, now remains the ankle flexion issue which can only be fixed by attempting to mobilize the tissue again and again and again. So before I run I do the following exercises:
- press ups (cobras)
- glute activators 90 90 shinbox and or banded monster walks
- calf stretches (usually on the stairs)
- ankle mobilization
- foam rolling
When I get back from my run I need to foam roll, press ups, and glute activators again to ensure my back doesn't tighten up (longer runs especially). It kind of sucks but at the end of the day I'm super happy to be able to run. I spent two years in constant pain, so every run feels like a blessing. Heck, every workout feels like a blessing.
Recently my runs have been slow and kind of miserable. I thought I just was not conditioned but a couple of days ago my asthma flared up big time. I mentioned yesterday, it kind of feels like someone is sitting on my chest all the time. I also have been SUPER tired, like all day, even though I'm getting 8 hours of sleep. I think I've probably had mild inflammation the last couple of weeks and that's why it hasn't felt so great. Got loaded up with singular, allegra-d, and advair to help control it. If anyone out there has any allergy/asthma tips I know I'd love to hear them! Anyone in AZ feeling like it's been worse recently?
I got in two good runs, not the times I would have hoped for but still good. Plus, the pup is increasing her mileage slowly but surely. I'm going to take her on another 6 mile run today, but with increasing distance I think I need a new water system for us. Any suggestions?
Training Recap
Saturday - 10/1 6 Miles With Pup
Sunday - 10/2 - REST
Monday - 10/3 - Orange Theory - Endurance Day - covered about 3 miles during the class plus strength and bike
Tuesday - 10/4- TI Fitness Strength Endurance - felt this one for DAYS - forgot to take a picture but it was similar to Monday 10/10
Wednesday - 10/5 - At Home Workout
Thursday - 10/6 - 4 Miles
Friday - 10/7 - OFF
Saturday - 10/8 - 8 Miles with run group
Sunday 10/9 - OFF
Monday 10/10 - TI Fitness - Strength Endurance Again - felt for DAAAYYYYYYSSSS
Tuesday 10/11 - Orange Theory - Power day,not as much running but still good.
Wednesday 10/12 - Workout on my own
Warm up: 1-minute handstand 1-minute rest x 3
Then a 20 minute AMRAMP with kb swings, box jumps, single arm kb thrusters, toes to bar and pull ups. I like this one so much I'm going to share it soon, all jazzed up with explanations!
Thursday 10/13 - Rest day
PS If you are looking for the Siggi's Giveaway winner announcement I'll announce on Instagram by the end of the day!
PSS Just in case you didn't see it, Newsletter subscribers now have a daily or weekly option!
[…] have done some exercises right before the race started, but I didn’t. Ugh, I’m such a high maintenance runner, it’s annoying if everything isn’t just perfect something breaks down. I also should […]