Hi friends! So sorry no post this morning, I told you posting was going to get crazy plus I wasn't really feeling that great. Thanks for hanging in there with me!
I've been an interesting little groove this week with meals that is a bit different than usual. Sometimes I'm a three meals a day person and sometimes I'm a six small meals a day person. It totally depends on how I'm feeling. This week I was in the mood for lots of small meals. Every single morning started with Vanilla Chobani and Renola. (Dark morning kitchen photo.)
I leave super early for work (6:30am or earlier) so I usually wait to eat till I get to work. However, I think having something in my stomach for the 40 minute commute made me much more calm. I had "second breakfast" between 9-10 most days. One day that was only a granola bar (this is one of my favorite FNCE snacks).
One day it was Sun Butter on a spelt english muffin with ¼ of banana sliced on top of it.
Baked Protein Pumpkin Pancakes (I ate them for lunch one day too). Someone asked me if it was a steak! Ha ha uh no, just a delicious pancake.
This morning I had some eggs and paleo bread with peanut butter once I felt up to it.
Lunches are usually salads for me, but this week they were super random. Of course I bring a bag of baby carrots every single day.
Like I mentioned earlier one day I had Pumpkin Protein Pancakes, another day I had a tuna pack on a spelt english muffin. Added some mustard to this to keep it from being to dry. I loved the tuna pack it was also a FNCE snack, but I would totally buy this at the store.
Yesterday lunch was provided, a lunchbox with a whole wheat sandwich with roasted turkey, tomato, and lettuce. It also had a pickle, a cookie, and a bag of chips. I ate half the sandwich, the meat out of the other half, the cookie and the pickle. It reminded me so much of this post on KERF about lunch in a box, you can't have it all and I totally agree.
Mahi Burger Salad with parmesan cheese too.
Most days I had a snack before heading out the door to either work out or go to PT. That was a formulx protein shake and a gala apple.
Dinners were easy, we had lot's of 3 Ingredient Crockpot Green Curry Coconut Chicken leftovers.
And salads since I felt like I wasn't getting very many veggies in during the day. Mustard, cranberries and Mahi Burger.
Most nights I had a piece of paleo bread for dessert with jam and butter.
That's pretty much it! Of course, as I always say I don't take a photo of everything I eat. I was actually particularly bad at it this week and last week. Needs for each person are individual and I am a firm believer you should focus on your needs. If you think you'd like to work with me to help make a plan for what's best for you, please feel free to check out my nutrition services site HERE. Otherwise, I hope this gives you some healthy meal ideas!
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